Logo and tagline contests The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey In Partnership with the Offices of Special Education New Jersey Department of Education 2019-2020 School Year In partnership with NJDOE OSE funded by IDEA funds - Part B 2019-2020 in participation with NJDOE OSEP and funded by IDEA funds - Part B (or C) 2015-2016
Logo or Tagline Contest Select a timeframe to hold the motto / theme / logo contest Determine the entry procedures or requirements Have written guidelines Original design Submission format Determine how you will collect entries Submission date Where or how students submit their entry What procedures will be used to select the final entry School vote Committee review In partnership with NJDOE OSE funded by IDEA funds - Part B 2019-2020
School Vote Present up to 5 options (poster design, tagline, motto, logo, etc.) Over the course of a week have the options displayed Students and staff vote on their favorite option In partnership with NJDOE OSE funded by IDEA funds - Part B 2019-2020