Arizona League of Cities Sustainability & Climate Action
Tempe City Council Priority #4: Implementing sustainable growth and development strategies, including improving Tempe’s public transit system to meet future needs, by actively seeking innovative technologies and leading the way in creating a more sustainable community. The focus of the City of Tempe’s Sustainability program is to pursue the City Council’s sustainable growth and development priority (Priority #4): Implementing sustainable growth and development strategies, including improving Tempe’s public transit system to meet future needs, by actively seeking innovative technologies and leading the way in creating a more sustainable community.
Expanding the Conversation Sustainability Manager Sustainability Commission
Areas of focus defined: Sustainable Tempe Program Areas of focus defined: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Solid Waste and Recycling Transportation Water Conservation Land Use and Built Environment
Renewable energy & energy efficiency Investing in utility-scale solar: water treatment plants, parking structures, park shade structures 10% renewable energy Investing in utility-scale solar: Solar arrays on water treatment plants, parking structures, and park shade structures allow Tempe to achieve 10% renewable energy
Solid waste & recycling Building momentum towards zero waste and a circular economy: green organics pick-up commercial scale composting Building momentum towards zero waste and a circular economy: Pilot testing green organics pick-up and commercial scale composting
Transportation Building a city with diverse transportation options: Streetcar & light rail bike infrastructure & walkable streets expanded bus service Building a city with diverse transportation options: Investing in streetcar, light rail, bike infrastructure, walkable streets, and expanded bus service.
Water conservation Supporting responsible use of water for a vibrant and cool city: water optimization new technologies Supporting responsible use of water for a vibrant and cool city: Shifting conservation programs to support water optimization and use of new technologies.
Land use & built environment Responsible and productive land use: golf course → urban agriculture pilot project urban core plan → incentivize transit oriented development Responsible and productive land use: Turning a golf course into urban agriculture pilot project and creating an urban core plan to incentivize transit oriented –development along Streetcar, Light Rail and future BRT. Singh Meadows is an example of changing land use to support a more sustainable city, and provide more local food options to Tempe residents. Local food pilot project Golf course to food production Farmer’s Market on Saturdays and Sundays Potential for urban agriculture projects and experiments
Key Elements: Climate Action Plan
Climate Action Investing today to be prepared for Tempe's tomorrow: Solar shade structures Utility-scale solar Urban forestry Investing today to be prepared for Tempe's tomorrow: Critical investments in renewable energy and adapting to extreme heat Solar shade structures Utility-scale solar Urban forestry
CapaCity & Resilience Workshops Key Elements: CapaCity & Resilience Workshops
Resilience Capacity building with senior management: staff workshops – ASU & National League of Cities potential future risks &sustainability opportunities Capacity building with senior management: Co-designing workshops with ASU and National League of Cities (including boards games) to engage city staff on potential future risks and sustainability opportunities.
Key Elements: Social Investments
Inclusive Education Opportunities for Tempe’s Future Providing free, high-quality Pre-K to underserved families. Utilizing community resources to support lifetime learning. Experience Corps My Brother’s Keeper
Transformational Investments Key Elements: Transformational Investments
Transformational investments Climate Action Plan GHG reduction goals Preparing for extreme heat & flooding Large-scale investments Utility-scale solar Urban heat island mitigation Transit Local food How does Tempe finance these investments? Innovation Resiliency & livability Business support & citizen investment Engagement Innovation & for-profit ventures Climate Action Plan What should Tempe's GHG reduction goals be? How does Tempe prepare for extreme heat and increased flooding? Large-scale investments What investments are necessary to reduce GHGs and make a more sustainable city? Utility-scale solar Urban heat island mitigation (Urban forestry and material use) Transit Local food How does Tempe finance these investments? Innovation How can Tempe create a resilient city and take climate action while making Tempe more livable? How do we support business and citizen investment? How do we make addressing climate action engaging? How does Tempe encourage innovation and for-profit ventures that tackle the climate challenge?