An Overview of the Management of the GEF uPOPs Project Frank Griffin HWMA
Presentation Aims Introduce the key uPOPs project components Introduce the SPREP Waste Management Directorate uPOPs project management unit Provide a summary of the budget allocation to each component Outline the timeframe for each element Link to GMP work
Focus on Integrated Waste Management Component 1: Regional uPOPs prevention and management strategy Component 2: Training and awareness raising in solid and hazardous waste management best practices (including pilot projects) Component 3: Improved management and safe disposal of unwanted pesticides (including POPs) and school laboratory chemicals (training) Component 4: Improved used oil management Component 5: Technical assistance for improved waste management (AFD) Component 6: Improvement in pesticide management (FAO) Component 7: Project management (SPREP/UNEP/FAO team)
Project Objectives Reduce priority uPOPs emissions arising from poor waste management practices, and so meet parties’ Convention obligations to improve management of chemicals in the Pacific region, implement uPOPs strategies and guidelines, vocational training of waste workers, training of PIC staff in improved chemicals management, and development of a regional waste oil reuse and export system
Component 1: Regional uPOPs strategy Will develop a regional uPOPs strategy (similar to asbestos and e-waste strategies) Will include guidance on legislation Will inform the development of national strategies To be endorsed at SPREP meeting Consistent regional approach should increase donor confidence
Component 2: Training and awareness Solid (and hazardous) waste management training module Landfill management module Student pilots (Component 5) AFD a key partner Pilot demonstrations: Health care waste management (Kiribati) Used oil re-use (Samoa) Composting (Niue) Oil testing (RMI) Air pollution monitoring (Fiji)* * Associated PhD study
Component 3: Improved Chemical Management Laboratory chemical management and disposal training (Environment, Health, Education Departments) Customs and Waigani/Basel Convention training (Customs and Environment Departments) Chemical inventory training (Environment Education and Health Departments) Training carried out as a training package in each country
Component 4: (Used) Oil management Disposal of used oil is a significant issue in the Pacific region, little regional management in place at present Complete used oil audits in 14 countries Complete cost benefit analysis of used oil re-use options Supply of waste oil collection equipment (as appropriate) Assist with regional model regulations (EPR)
Component 5: Improved Waste Management Technical Assistance (AFD) Mentored student projects 1 project per country (total 14 per year) $5000 available for each demonstration project Funding for 4 years Ongoing assistance to secure additional funding to scale up successful student projects Financed by AFD for the first 18 months
Improved Pesticide Use Component 6: Improved Pesticide Use Management of used pesticide containers is regarded as a significant regional priority (FAO); and previous work has indicated that contaminated sites are present a low risk to the region Programme will Gather baseline information Provide training in best practice Determine best recycling practice(s) Model policy and regulations Complete pilot collection and recycling programme in Samoa, Tonga and Fiji
Component 7: Project Management Climate Change Adaptation Mitigation Science & Policy Biodiversity & Ecosystems Coastal & Marine Threatened Species Invasive Species Biodiversity Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Governance Planning Waste & Pollution Marine and Land Pollution Solid Waste Hazardous Wastes Corporate Services Outreach Information & IT Finance HR
Component 7: Project Management Climate Change Adaptation Mitigation Science & Policy Biodiversity & Ecosystems Coastal & Marine Threatened Species Invasive Species Biodiversity Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Governance Planning Waste & Pollution Marine and Land Pollution Solid Waste Hazardous Wastes Corporate Services Outreach Information & IT Finance HR
Link to GMP At the 3rd Steering Committee (2016) took a decision: Assistance for the remaining 5 Pacific Island Countries who are not participants of the GMP2 project to participate Cook Islands, FSM, Nauru, PNG, Tonga The GMP work was added to the outputs of Component 1 of the project
Status of GMP work Consultant engaged and has visited all 5 countries; Samples collected: water, fish and chicken egg Samples have been sent to QAEHS for analysis MOU is being finalised before the analysis will be carried out here at QAEHS Results will be sent to all participating countries and compared with the GMP-2 countries’ results
Thank you