Figure 16.1: Illustration of a fusion reaction. Fig. 16-1, p. 533
Figure 16.2a: Helical trajectory of a charged particle along magnetic field lines. Fig. 16-2a, p. 535
Figure 16. 2b: Mirror-confinement type of magnetic “bottle Figure 16.2b: Mirror-confinement type of magnetic “bottle.” The charged particle is reflected in the region of concentrated magnetic field lines. Fig. 16-2b, p. 535
Figure 16.3: Toroidal or doughnut-shaped magnetic field for confinement of plasma. Only a few of the field coils are shown. Fig. 16-3, p. 536
Figure 16.4: Interior view of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor vacuum vessel. Fig. 16-4, p. 536
Figure 16. 5: A Tokamak machine Figure 16.5: A Tokamak machine. Plasma is confined by a toroidal magnetic field. The toroid forms the secondary winding of a transformer. The current induced in the toroid is used for heating the plasma. Fig. 16-5, p. 537
Tiny gold microshells, similar to those containing high-pressure gaseous D–T fuel for use in laser fusion, on a U.S. quarter. p. 538
Figure 16.6: A fuel pellet of D–T is heated by laser radiation from all sides. It implodes as the surface explodes outward. Pressures on the order of a trillion atmospheres are achieved. Fig. 16-6, p. 539
Figure 16.7: The 60-beam OMEGA laser system is a 30,000 J ultraviolet laser. The fusion target chamber is to the left. Fig. 16-7, p. 540
Figure 16. 8: Schematic of a laser-fusion power plant Figure 16.8: Schematic of a laser-fusion power plant. Pellets of frozen D–T enter from the top. They are irradiated by laser beams. Lithium in the outer layer absorbs the energy released in fusion, and then turns water into steam in the heat exchangers. Fig. 16-8, p. 541
Figure 16. 9: Apparatus set up to test for cold fusion Figure 16.9: Apparatus set up to test for cold fusion. Electric voltage exists between the platinum wire and the palladium electrodes. The water in the tube is enriched with deuterium. Fig. 16-9, p. 542