Scary Looking Male Organ Bumps Might Be Lichen Planus


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Presentation transcript:

Scary Looking Male Organ Bumps Might Be Lichen Planus

Sometimes annoying male organ bumps appear almost overnight, but in man y cases male organ bumps may develop over time, sometimes rather slowly. dreams. That is often the case when lichen planus is the cause of unwanted male organ bumps. But is lichen planus a serious male organ health issue? What causes it and what should a guy do if he gets male organ bumps that turn out to be lichen planus.

A nasty name Let’s face it, the name lichen planus is a little discomforting. Lichen, after all, is often associated with moss, and who wants moss growing on their member? In fact, that association is mistaken, and lichen and moss are two separate things. So what is lichen planus? It’s an inflammatory skin disease that affects somewhere around one per cent of the population, both men and women – which tells a person that lichen planus is not restricted to the member. In fact, it can appear almost anywhere on the body. It causes the skin to swell and form lesions, which on the manhood appear as male organ bumps. They tend to be reddish or purplish and flat but slightly raised, and itchy as hell. (But guys should try not to scratch them; that just makes it worse.) Sometimes the lesions become blisters, which then break and ooze a discharge onto the skin and then become crusty.

Where it comes from So what causes a guy to get lichen planus on his manhood (or elsewhere)? Basically, lichen planus is considered an autoimmune disorder. What that means is that something happens that causes the body to misinterpret signals and to start attacking itself – or some part of itself. I n this case, the body is attacking its own skin cells. (Another form of lichen planus involves attacking the mucous membranes instead.) As with most autoimmune disorders, it isn’t clear why this happens. Often, there is no obvious trigger. But in other cases, there are causes that may be responsible for an outbreak of lichen planus. These include becoming infected by hepatitis C; having a reaction to a flu vaccine, or to some common pain relievers (such as naproxen or ibuprofen), as well as to some medications for heart issues or high blood pressure; or exposure to certain chemicals or metals.

What to do Many cases of lichen planus self-resolve without any need for medication. However, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor so that an accurate diagnosis can be made. In some cases, what a person assumes to be lichen planus could be another condition which might more readily require treatment. Often the doctor will recommend no treatment for the lichen planus itself, just letting it go away on its own. However, they may still prescribe treatment for the symptoms associated with it, such as itching. If they do decide to treat the lichen planus itself, options might include corticosteroids, anti-infection medicines, antihistamines, or retinoids.

Depending on the suspected cause of the outbreak, a person may need to switch their existing medications, be treated for hepatitis C, or consult with an allergy specialist. Most of the time lichen planus is more of an annoyance than a serious issue. Of course, when it presents as male organ bumps, a man is likely to want to get it cleared up speedily, as it does affect the appearance of his manhood.

Lichen planus in the form of male organ bumps will cause a man to scratch his member more than he wants to, but use of a top notch male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) might provide some relief. If the oil contains a combination of a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), it can keep the skin moisturized so that the itching may lessen. The best oil will also contain other vitamins, such as A, B5, C, and D, to further enrich and aid the delicate manhood skin.Man 1 Man Oil