August 2019 Stay Hydrated This Month! Drink plenty of water! Name __________________ Grade _________ Parent Signature_________________ August 2019 Please have your parent/guardian initial each day that you complete the activity – then bring it back to your Fitness Teacher at the end of the month for a reward! Stay Hydrated This Month! Drink plenty of water! Use plenty of sunscreen when you are out in the sun! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Don’t forget to wear tennis shoes on days that you have P.E. or Fitness classes! *Get ready for a fun-filled year of healthy activities and great ideas for creating a healthy lifestyle! When you see MVPA on an activity – it means Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity! 12 Students return Talk to a parent about something good that happened today! 13 Can you jog in place for 30 seconds? How about 1 minute? MVPA 14 Meet a new friend today and play at recess. 15 How many jumping jacks can you do to your favorite song? MVPA 16 Have a healthy snack when you get home from school today. 19 Get at least 10 hours of sleep every night! 20 See how many push-ups you can do in one minute! 21 Name a safety rule that you learned at school today. 22 Jog around the playground equipment at recess! 23 Log on to and find a nutritious recipe for dinner. 26 When you get out of bed, do jumping jacks for every letter in your entire name! MVPA 27 Can you name a good character trait? Ex: Kindness - Honesty 28 Jump an imaginary or real rope to your favorite song. MVPA 29 Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water a day – especially on HOT Days! 30 Play rock, paper, scissors with friends at recess – the winner picks the game! MVPA