set up a project So you want to: To contact TCC: FAQs (Frequently asked questions) Will this cost money? Free resources are available for members including access to the website for funding advice, tools for mission, training and other useful resources. A Window For Every Church – your own church ‘portal’ is currently freely available (subscriptions are charged for greater access). Free initial consultancy offered from our Senior Development Manager – John Wareham. Ongoing support may be chargeable – based on the level of support required. Payroll & HR services available – these are chargeable but at reduced rates. Why contact TCC? TCC are experts in the voluntary sector on matters of project management, governance, funding, strategic partnerships and employment. They are also well connected with other experts to draw in for churches when required. Churches today are required to have a level of ‘professionalism’ when engaging in work with communities. TCC helps churches meet the requirements to set up and run projects effectively at a local level. TCC do not come in and take over – they come to support, enable and up-skill local teams to run their own projects. TCC can manage entire projects for churches if required – but TCC would only do this if requested by the management team of that church. So you want to: set up a project To contact TCC: Website: E-mail: Tel: 0788 333 9698
How to start up a new project Step 3: Are you overlapping with other groups? Once you have put some consideration on how it might work, you need to research and find out if there are any existing groups that do similar kinds of work in your given area. It is much harder to find support and funding if you are duplicating what other groups are doing. So make sure that your big idea is new or unique in some way before you start. If there are already groups doing the same work, perhaps you could get involved with them instead. Step 4: Collaborate with others If you have a new idea and are ready to go, can you work with other churches or organisations to create something new or benefit from their experience and connections? If you are in a similar geographical area, then you could perhaps share premises and work together for the benefit of both groups. Step 5: Structure and documentation You need some basic policies and procedures in place, for example; A set of rules or a constitution – though it does not require legal support to prepare this A project management committee - to make decisions, manage finances and decide on the direction of the project. A shared purpose or activity – a written plan which has been agreed by all those involved in the project. Step 6: Advice and support Working in partnership, sharing information and networking with other groups who are doing similar things in your local area, can be an invaluable source of support. However, TCC is here to help with this, so please do contact us for expert advice. Churches often wish to support their local community – usually to help a particular group of people or a cause. With the right planning and support, you can go a long way to making a difference in your local community. Step 1: What do you want to do? You need to have a good idea of exactly what you intend to do. Here are some questions to consider: Will your project offer a service to a community or will it solely benefit church members? What are the aims of the project? What do you want to achieve? What geographical area’s are you going to cover? You really need to have a written plan that lays out what it is you want to do accurately and clearly. Step 2: Who will you work with? If you are providing a service then you may want to identify a specific group of people with whom you are going to work, for example people affected by a specific issue or living in a defined area. You should also think about what area you will cover - For example, will you only cover a specific local neighbourhood or a whole town or city? Be realistic with your resources and where you can make the most impact. Don't try and overstretch yourself.