Mean number of dialysis sessions per patient for which intradialytic hypotension–related nursing interventions were required during the first 2 wk and the last 2 wk of the trial in both the HC and standard HD groups. Mean number of dialysis sessions per patient for which intradialytic hypotension–related nursing interventions were required during the first 2 wk and the last 2 wk of the trial in both the HC and standard HD groups. The percentages (in parentheses) represent the proportions of sessions per patient for which nursing interventions were required over the total number of dialysis sessions during each period of observation (2 wk). *P value for the comparison in the baseline to end of study change in the number of dialysis sessions between the HC group and the standard HD group (using Mann-Whitney U test). Clément Déziel et al. CJASN 2007;2:661-668 ©2007 by American Society of Nephrology