Expression of Tcs1, Ruby, and Anthocyanin Production in Blood and Blond Oranges in Response to Cold Storage.(A) Detailed map of the Ruby locus with the full Tcs1 retroelement insertion (the RD-1 allele), showing the start of transcription of the Ruby gene. Expression of Tcs1, Ruby, and Anthocyanin Production in Blood and Blond Oranges in Response to Cold Storage.(A) Detailed map of the Ruby locus with the full Tcs1 retroelement insertion (the RD-1 allele), showing the start of transcription of the Ruby gene. The map of the Ruby transcript is shown above; the thick green bars indicating sequence from the LTR in the 5′ untranslated region, the thick purple bars indicating the open reading frame encoding the Ruby protein, also indicated by thick pink bars in the transcript; the splice sites for the transcript are shown. The positions of the oligonucleotides used for measuring transcript levels of Ruby and Tcs1 are also indicated by color-coded inverted triangles.(B) Levels of Ruby transcripts in Moro and Tarocco blood orange accessions and in Valencia and Navelina blond orange accessions from CRA in fruit picked fresh and following storage for 30 d at 4°C, determined by qRT-PCR. Error bars show se of the mean.(C) Levels of Tcs1 transcripts from the LTR in Moro and Tarocco blood orange accessions and in Valencia and Navelina blond orange accessions from CRA in fruit picked fresh and following storage for 30 d at 4°C, determined by qRT-PCR.(D) Levels of Tcs1 and Tcs2 transcripts from the Gag-Pol region of the element in Moro and Tarocco blood orange accessions and in Valencia and Navelina blond orange accessions from CRA in fruit picked fresh and following storage for 30 d at 4°C, determined by qRT-PCR.(E) Levels of anthocyanins in Moro and Tarocco blood orange accessions and in Valencia and Navelina blond orange accessions from CRA in fruit picked fresh and following storage for 30 d at 4°C. Eugenio Butelli et al. Plant Cell 2012;24:1242-1255 ©2012 by American Society of Plant Biologists