Repairs & Maintenance Ref. Indicator Actual 2013 Target 2014 Indicator PHA Results 2018/19 National Results 2018/19 PHA Target 2019/20 Average time taken to complete emergency repairs – Hours 1 hr 8 mins 3 hrs 39 mins 4 hrs Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs – Working days 3 days 6.6 days 6.5 days % Reactive repairs completed right first time 99.7% 92.52% 99% % Properties requiring gas safety record completed by the anniversary date 100% 99.93% % Tenants satisfied with the Repairs and Maintenance service 98.6% 91.66% Percentage of approved applications for medical adaptations completed 73.68% 84.3% % Reactive Repairs Pre-Inspected 23% PHA only 10% % Reactive Repairs Post Inspected 13% Tenant emergency repairs = 382 Tenant non emergency = 1165 Total tenant repairs in the year = 1547 Total other repairs = 499 Total repairs = 2046 Right First Time = 1159 of 1165 Gas records = 482 Ten sat = 252 responses Satisfied = 240, Neither = 6, Dissatisfied = 6 Adaptations 2017 £20,000 18 completed 31st March of 20 completed April Pre-inspects = 217, Post inspects = 186 Ref. Indicator Actual 2013 Target 2014 A7 % Stock meeting Scottish Housing Quality Standards 97.56% 100% A11 Average time taken to complete emergency repairs – Hours 1.5 hr. 4 hrs. A12 Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs – Days 2 days 6.5 days A13 % Reactive repairs completed right first time 98.99% A15 % Properties requiring gas safety record completed by the anniversary date A16 % Tenants satisfied with the Repairs and Maintenance service 97.71% P1 % Reactive Repairs Pre-Inspected 27.5% 10% P2 % Reactive Repairs Post Inspected 17.5% 6 % Cyclical Works Completed 88% 7 Current Tenant Recharge Repairs Balance 2,612 2,000 8 Former Tenant Recharge Repairs Balance 3,979 3,500
Housing Services Ref. Indicator Actual 2013 Target 2014 Indicator PHA Results 2018/19 National Results 2018/19 PHA Target 2019/20 % Antisocial behaviour cases reported & actioned within locally agreed targets 100% 87.86% % Rent lost through properties being empty % of lettable houses becoming vacant in year 0.05% 5.94% 0.88% 8.56% 0.25% 7% Average time taken to re-let empty properties % Lets to Provanhall tenants and applicants 3.5 days 36% 31.89 days PHA only 7 days 60% % Lets to homeless applicants % Lets to waiting list applicants Average time to process Housing Applications 32% 2 days 30% 10% % Actual Rent Arrears 1.31% 2% ASB Complaints – 72 Lets – 29 233 HAF’s Ref. Indicator Actual 2013 Target 2014 A7 % Stock meeting Scottish Housing Quality Standards 97.56% 100% A11 Average time taken to complete emergency repairs – Hours 1.5 hr. 4 hrs. A12 Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs – Days 2 days 6.5 days A13 % Reactive repairs completed right first time 98.99% A15 % Properties requiring gas safety record completed by the anniversary date A16 % Tenants satisfied with the Repairs and Maintenance service 97.71% P1 % Reactive Repairs Pre-Inspected 27.5% 10% P2 % Reactive Repairs Post Inspected 17.5% 6 % Cyclical Works Completed 88% 7 Current Tenant Recharge Repairs Balance 2,612 2,000 8 Former Tenant Recharge Repairs Balance 3,979 3,500