Randomized trial of a “stage-of-change” oriented smoking cessation intervention in infertile and pregnant women Edward G Hughes, David A Lamont, M.D., Mary Louise Beecroft, R.N., Douglas M.C Wilson, M.D., Barbara G Brennan, M.D., Ph.D., Sarah C Rice Fertility and Sterility Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages 498-503 (September 2000) DOI: 10.1016/S0015-0282(00)00687-7
Figure 1 Stages-of-change for infertile women at initial visit, 6 months, and 12 months. With no demonstrable difference between intervention and standard of care, data from both study arms were combined. Stages-of-change were: 1) not thinking of quitting; 2) considering quitting within six months; 3) preparing to quit within one month; 4) actually quitting smoking; 5) maintained cessation. Hughes. “Stage-of-change” smoking cessation intervention. Fertil Steril 2000. Fertility and Sterility 2000 74, 498-503DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(00)00687-7)
Figure 2 Stages-of-change for pregnant women at initial visit, 6 months, and 12 months. With no demonstrable difference between intervention and standard of care, data from both study arms were combined. Stages-of-change were: 1) not thinking of quitting; 2) considering quitting within six months; 3) preparing to quit within one month; 4) actually quitting smoking; 5) maintained cessation. Hughes. “Stage-of-change” smoking cessation intervention. Fertil Steril 2000. Fertility and Sterility 2000 74, 498-503DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(00)00687-7)