T. Trimpe 2008 http://sciencespot.net/ Science Scramble “O” Words T. Trimpe 2008 http://sciencespot.net/
Can you unscramble all the words below Can you unscramble all the words below? Hint: They all start with the letter O. B T I R O 1. We do this around the sun. G R A E L E L O N S 2. We are found in cells. V O B R S E A I T N O 3. This is something you might do during a lab. R M O I N O E V 4. I like plants and animals. Y E G N O X 5. You need me to survive.
The answers are … ORBIT 1. We do this around the sun. ORGANELLES 2. We are found in cells. OBSERVE 3. This is something you might do during a lab. OMNIVORE 4. I like plants and animals. OXYGEN 5. You need me to survive.