Waste NAMEAs NAMEA Task Force Meeting 2-3 December 2008 Elisabeth Møllgaard Eurostat, Unit E3
Tag der Amtlichen Statistik Overview Background – ESEA 2008 + implementation plan WSR and waste accounts The ideal framework Reality-check Discussion A definition of sust. dev. 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
European Strategy on Environmental Accounts 2008 ESEA 2008, objectives: Assure availability of Environmental Accounts data from all European countries: Regular production of a core set of accounts Setting priorities according to ESS resources Assist National Statistical Institutes in maintaining and potentially expanding their work to provide harmonised, timely data of reasonable quality Focus: most developed areas: EPEA, EW- MFA, NAMEA air emissions Initiation of formulation of legal base for Environmental Accounts What will be the action of Eurostat in the near future: ESEA 2008 (could be adapted after the SPC and this meeting) 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Tag der Amtlichen Statistik Eurostat Implementation plan for EA: Includes a project on waste accounts (finalised end 2010) Objectives: compile complete set of data for waste accounts all EU and EFTA countries, 1995 to 2006 (or to 2008) using existing official statistics available for Eurostat (e.g. WSR, Joint Eurostat/OECD questionnaire) includes estimation of data when necessary now-casting techniques for most recent years. Publication: only after discussion/validation with countries Policy demand: aggregations of EU countries Advantages: providing harmonised, timely data of reasonable quality while NOT increasing response-burden for countries 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Table 1 - Schematic tables of waste generation WSR NACE n-H H 1 01-02 2 05 3 10-14 4 15-16 5 17-19 6 20 7 21-22 8 23 9 24-25 10 26 11 27-28 12 29-35 13 36 14 37 15 40-41 16 45 17 50-99 18 of which 51-57 19 of which 90 Households H: hazardous n-H: non-hazardous I n d u s t r i e Waste categories ( 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Table 2 - Schematic tables of waste treatment 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Table 3 – Schematic waste accounts for NAMEA 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Table 3 – Schematic waste accounts for NAMEA – reality-check 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Questions to the Task Force: How far should we go in order to develop for Waste Accounts only waste generation NAMEAs fully integrated accounts including waste treatment and expenditure Internally recycled/treated waste to be included Further methodological development, e.g. a handbook on Waste Accounts? The link to the material flows accounts (EW-MFA) 11 November 2008 Tag der Amtlichen Statistik
Thank you for your attention! Elisabeth Møllgaard Environmental Statistics and Accounts Eurostat Unit E3 estat-environment@ec.europa.eu http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/