Burroughs Community School PTA Sept. 24 2019
Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introduction to the PTA Administrative Special Funding requests PTA volunteering Subcommittee reports PTA Fundraising and budget State of the school from Principal Bartl
Welcome to the Burroughs PTA Support school goals through fundraising and volunteering Build a community of parents, teachers, and staff Promote parent involvement
What do we support? School-wide Curriculum Special programs Singapore Math Special programs Afterschool 20 special programs across all grades including: Field trips Classroom projects Art Adventure BRAVO Mindfulness Families for Equity and Justice Chess club Lego League Destination Imagination Teacher and Specialist Support Classroom stipend for every teacher and specialist Art, media, music supplies PE field trips - fishing, ski trip, track and field Operational Support PTA administrative and operational annual expenses Events Direct School Budget Support Non-staff costs All-school picnic 5th grade celebrations Other school events
Upcoming Events
How else can I be involved? I love school policy Site Council I love equity Families for Equity and Justice I love district policy Area C Meetings
Administrative business Approve minutes Elect officers Madeline Lohman Erin Albu Abbie Wozniak President Volunteer Coordinator Treasurer
Special funding requests Ms. Tami/Kindergarten team Light table for $400
Volunteering with the PTA Volunteers keep our school strong and vibrant! There is a place for everyone! Jennie Hartman helping Wellness Week happen 40+ committees
Current needs We are in critical need for certain committees as families age out of Burroughs: The following programs need volunteers to ensure that ALL students who want to participate have an equal opportunity Auction Read-a-thon Lunchroom Mindfulness BRAVO Lego League Destination Imagination
So you want to volunteer? Contact me! Burroughsmn.pta@gmail.com Read the Bulletin for our most up-to-date and urgent needs Visit the Sign Up Genius page (SUG) – a great “one stop shop” https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080b4aada62ea4f85-ptacommittee Note: Please complete the Volunteer Form linked on the Burroughs website and turn in to the office https://burroughs.mpls.k12.mn.us/volunteering_2
Subcommittee reports Media Auction Read-a-thon Bravo EZ Bucks and Dining for Dollars Class Champs
PTA fundraising and budget allocation 2019/2020 Budget is available on the Burroughs website and shared with the community. We want to continue being transparent and share
Why fundraise? Fund programs we have committed to in the current year and honor new requests from parents and teachers to sustain and evolve the Burroughs community. These programs may go away if we don’t have money for it in the current year.
When and how do we fundraise? Throughout the year: Spirit wear, Dining for Dollars, Box tops, Shop with Scrip, Great gatherings*, and more with the support of parent volunteers. PTA Meeting: Budget review for current year *Silent Auction SEPT NOV FEB MAR APR Mention that great gatherings is part of the silent auction. Read-a-Thon Book Fair PTA Meeting: Budget review for next year
Burroughs Community School - $ Generators PTA Box Tops is budgeted to bring in $200
What are we funding? Achieve Mpls $55k 34% Singapore math $40k 25% Special programs and field trips $26,300 16% Teacher and specialist support $22,640 14% Operational $10,170 6% Events $3550 2% Afterschool programs $1700 1%
How We Allocate Funds Silent Auction + Great Gatherings Funds Achieve Mpls [Burroughs Fund] Fund-a-Need PTA committee organizes and manages 2019 breakdown: Revenue $ 90,000 Expenses $ 33,000 Net = $ 57,000 Principal Bartl manages District-affiliated non-interest bearing account $55,000 for 2019 Funds non-staff parts of school budget and (2) teacher emeritus Reserve fund Special funding request at auction $12,000-$13,000 for 2019 Principal Bartl and PTA manage For one-time, big ticket items Explain how dollars generated from auction go into the Achieve Minneapolis fund to fund direct office support, add to the reserve, and also sponsor fund-a-need. Mention how we don’t want the reserve to go beyond a certain amount.
How We Allocate Funds All other Fundraising PTA Main Budget Discretionary Budget Read-a-Thon Dining for Dollars Yubbler Box-tops PTA members manage 2019 budget adopted April 2018 Line items examples: Curriculum Field trips and projects Teacher and specialist support Events Afterschool programs PTA administration PTA board and members manage Money not allocated to a line item Spent during year on requests from teachers and parents XX for 2019 Explain PTA main budget and how every year we roll over last year’s. Line items are only examples - pie chart shows it all!
The Story of a Budget Line Item Main Budget Discretionary Budget Item March: PTA discusses need for permanent funding in March April: PTA votes on adding to main budget Now a permanent line item! Rolls over into next year’s budget unless circumstances change Examples: Mindfulness program changes Peace Prize forum New initiative or one-time expense Need to ask for funding at a PTA meeting every year Examples: Mindfulness Families for Equity and Justice
How to submit a funding request… Explain how PTA members and board vote based on $ amounts. What would cause something not to be voted on? Parents & Teachers Email PTA your funding request Form < $200 PTA board vote > $200 PTA members vote
New paperless system Do you want to submit a funding request? Get reimbursed for a PTA-approved expense? We are now paperless! Fill out the PDF form and submit with photographed or scanned receipts.
Burroughs Community School PTA 19/20 Approved Budget April 16, 2019 Introduction
Revenue: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Revenue Silent Auction $100,000.00 $90,000.00 -10% Read-A-Thon $85,000.00 6% Book Fair $5,500.00 $5,750.00 5% Book Fair Cafe $1,100.00 $1,250.00 14% Spirit Wear $5,300.00 $5,000.00 -6% Match Donations $5,200.00 NC Yearbook $2,300.00 Shop With Scrip $2,000.00 $10,000.00 400% Retailer Fundraising Programs $1,200.00 67% Box Tops $200.00 -90% Yubbler, Inc. - Dining For Dollars $3,500.00 Total Revenue $209,600.00 $217,200.00 4% Call outs
Fundraising Costs: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Fundraising Activity Advances Silent Auction Costs $(30,000.00) $(33,000.00) 10% Read-A-Thon Costs $(10,000.00) $(7,500.00) -25% Book Fair Costs $(2,000.00) $(1,250.00) -38% Book Fair Café Costs $(800.00) $(500.00) Spirit Wear Costs $(3,275.00) $(3,000.00) -8% Yearbook $(2,300.00) NC Shop With Scrip $(1,350.00) $(9,000.00) 567% Total Fundraising Activity Advances $(49,725.00) $(56,550.00) 14% Gross Profit $159,875.00 $160,650.00 0% Call outs
Enrichment & Administration: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Enrichment - 28 Classroom Teachers @ $350.00 each $(9,800.00) NC Total Fundraising Activity Advances Administrative Accounting Services - Bookkeeping $(3,670.00) Courtyard/Landscape $(2,200.00) School Directory $(1,500.00) Yard Signs $(1,000.00) $(600.00) -40% Accounting Services - Taxes $(975.00) $(1,200.00) 23% Childcare, coffee, snacks, office supplies $(900.00) Email Blasts - Constant Contact $(400.00) Sponsored School Celebrations 50% Filing Fees (State & PTA) $(300.00) Check Printing $(200.00) 200% NeatCloud $(150.00) EZ Bucks $(100.00) PTA use of the office copier $- n/a Wellness Week Star Tribune Total Administrative $(11,795.00) $(10,920.00) -7% Call outs
After School, Art Adventure and Burroughs Support: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY After School Activity Fund Chess Club $(100.00) $(200.00) 100% Destination Imagination $(750.00) NC Lego League Total After School Activity Fund $(1,600.00) $(1,700.00) 6% Art Adventure Program Art Adventure Program Cost $(450.00) Art Institute Field Trip Bus $(1,200.00) 42% Total Art Adventure Program $(1,650.00) $(2,150.00) 30% Burroughs Support Singapore Math and M2/M3 $(30,000.00) $(40,600.00) 35% Achieve Minneapolis $(65,000.00) $(55,000.00) -15% Total Burroughs Support $(95,000.00) $(95,600.00) 1% Call outs
Special Programs: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Special Programs 1st Grade - MN Zoo Trip $(1,000.00) NC 2nd Grade - Ojibwe Bags $(400.00) 3rd Grade - Voyageur Trip 4th Grade - Deep Portage Trip $(3,457.36) $(5,400.00) 56% 4th/5th Grade - Planners $(700.00) 5th Grade - Celebration Ceremony $(350.00) $(500.00) 43% 5th Grade - Celebration Picnic $(1,200.00) 5th Grade - MN Zoo Allotment Accel. Math programs Peace Prize Forum $(300.00) $(600.00) $- -100% All-school picnic Bravo $(1,600.00) Fine Arts - Poetry Workshop $(2,000.00) Learning A-Z (Raz-Kids) MW Food Connection - 3rd Grade $(1,030.00) $(1,700.00) 65% MN Sinfonia Ordway Tickets - (3rd-5th) Grade Pollinate MN School Patrol Outing $(250.00) Teacher Appreciation Breakfast $(100.00) Families for Equity and Justice Mindfulness $(3,780.00) $(3,000.00) 200% -47% Total Special Programs $(24,567.36) $(26,950.00) 10% Call outs
Specialists: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Specialist Student Fund IS/PD – Shiels, Lorie (.5) $(350.00) $(175.00) -50% Art – Pilon (1.0) NC Art Supplies – Pilon $(1,500.00) ASD – Hoiland, Holly (1.0) ASD – LaSalle, Derek (1.0) ASD/SERT – Galloway, Kim (1.0) Associate Educator 1 (.95) $(332.50) -5% $(280.00) Associate Educator 3 (.625) $- $(218.75) n/a Associate Educator 4 (.625) Differentiation Specialist (.5) EL – Collins, Sarah (1.0) SERT – Gebhart, Rose (1.0) Social Worker – Alvarez, Beth (1.0) Speech/Language – Pavek, Gina (1.0) School Psych – Hogan, Maggie (.2) $(70.00) ASD/Social Worker – TBD (.4) $(140.00) Speech – TBD (.1) $(35.00) STEM – Knaus, Jake (.6) $(210.00) Health Office Supplies $(200.00) Total Specialist Student Fund $(5,970.00) $(6,407.50) 7% Call outs
Additional Specialists: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Media Equipment Maintenance $(500.00) NC Media – Enrichment $(350.00) Media – Books Total Media $(1,350.00) Physical Education PE - Gone Fishing - Reserve Teachers $(384.00) PE - Enrichment $(700.00) PE - Field Day Reserve Teacher PE - Gone Fishing - Buses PE - Gone Fishing - Lifeguard $(125.00) PE - Reserve Teacher for PPF $(960.00) PE - Ski Trip - Reserve Teachers PE - Track & Field Day - Equip $(1,000.00) Total Physical Education $(4,287.00) Vocal Music Choir Trip - Buses Choir Trip - Reserve Teacher $(96.00) Music – Enrichment 0% Total Vocal Music $(796.00) Call outs
Total Expenditures: Budget Comparison 2018/2019 2019/2020 % Change Actual Budget YOY Total Expenditures Enrichment (28 classrooms) $(9,800.00) NC Administrative $(11,795.00) $(10,920.00) -7% After School Activity Fund $(1,600.00) $(1,700.00) 6% Art Adventure Program $(1,650.00) $(2,150.00) 30% Burroughs Support $(95,000.00) $(95,600.00) 1% Special Programs $(24,567.36) $(26,950.00) 10% Specialist Student Fund $(5,970.00) $(6,407.50) 7% Media $(1,350.00) Physical Education $(4,287.00) Vocal Music $(796.00) $(156,815.36) $(159,960.50) 2% Call outs
State of the School Principal Ana Bartl