Vocabulary Bellwork Week 2 Chains Vocabulary Bellwork Week 2
Monday, January 25 1. subordinates- noun- people of lesser rank or lower status 2. devour- verb- to eat something quickly and hungrily 3. gruesome- adj.- involving or depicting death or injury in a disturbing or sickening way 4. insolence- noun- rudeness or boldness 5. Roman Numerals- letters representing numbers: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100. 6. In this system, a letter placed after another of greater value adds (XI is 11)and a letter placed before another of greater value subtracts (IX is 9).
Monday, January 25 7. barricade- noun- a barrier that protects defenders or blocks a route. 8. dawdling- adj.- wasting time, idling 9. devious- adj.- secretive and calculating, not straightforward or honest about motives 10. fatigue- noun- mental or physical exhaustion 11. intently- adv.- showing fixed attention or full concentration 12. peculiar-adj.- unusual, strange, or unconventional
Tuesday, January 26 Dude, it’s reading time! Write two sentences using the words dawdling and fatigue. Try to make your sentences relate. 1. 2. Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Tuesday, January 26 1. Last week we studied the word blockade. Looking at blockade and barricade, what makes these words slightly different?
Wednesday, January 27 Write out the sentences and identify relationships. 1. A restaurant manager’s subordinates would be the _______________. 2. An army general’s subordinates would be the _________________. 3. A babysitter’s subordinates would be the ______________.
Wednesday, January 27 Dude, it’s reading time! Three (III) foods that I would devour are _____________________________________ ___! My favorite number written in Roman numerals is _____________________. Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Thursday, January 28 Write out the complete sentence and add the vocabulary word. 1. Video games are often criticized for their ____________ depiction of violence and death. 2. Isabel describes her sister Ruth as having a ______________, or strange, manner. 3. The seniors in the English IV class were ____________ working on their assignment, showing total focus.
Thursday, January 28 Dude, it’s reading time! Why would a Patriot need to be devious? Write a sentence explaining at least two (II) reasons. 1. Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
Friday, January 29 Today’s date in Roman numerals is _____________________________________. The book report due date in Roman numerals is ____________________________________.
Friday, January 29 Dude, it’s reading time! 1. Draw a picture of depicting the word devour. Label. 2. Draw a picture depicting the word subordinate. Label. Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.