Coronal catheter angiographic projection (A) and multiplanar reformatted MR angiogram of the early phase (B) and late phase (C) in a 55-year-old male patient with a SDAVF. On the catheter angiogram (A) the supplying segmental artery (large arrow), the AKA (... Coronal catheter angiographic projection (A) and multiplanar reformatted MR angiogram of the early phase (B) and late phase (C) in a 55-year-old male patient with a SDAVF. On the catheter angiogram (A) the supplying segmental artery (large arrow), the AKA (white arrow) and the ASA (white arrowhead) are depicted. The MR angiogram of the early phase (B) shows the supplying segmental artery (large white arrow) and the AKA (white arrow). Regarding the anterior midline enhancement in the first phase (B) above and below the connection of the AKA with the ASA (white arrowheads), this is most probable enhancement of the spatially unresolved combination of the ASA and the AMV (black arrowheads). The second-phase MR angiogram (C) shows diminished signal intensity of the AKA (white arrow), in contrast with the anterior midline enhancement, which is clearly increased compared with the first phase (B) due to increased venous enhancement. The midline enhancement seen in the second phase (C) is most likely a combination of AMV (black arrowheads) and ASA (white arrowheads) enhancement. Note that there is enhancement of the venous plexus (*) in the late phase (C), which is not seen on the first phase MR angiogram (B). The cephalad enhancement above the connection of the AKA with the ASA is only depicted on the MR images (B and C) and not on the catheter angiogram (A). W.H. Backes, and R.J. Nijenhuis AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2008;29:619-631 ©2008 by American Society of Neuroradiology