Welcome to Fifth Grade open house 2019 - 2020
Thank you PTA & Foundation! Rotation Tonight: Homeroom/First Block – 20 minutes Second Block – 15 minutes
Emphasis on Increased Attendance… Attendance is a critical component to your child’s academic progress. Attendance is an expectation unless it is necessary that you child be absent. According to CCSD Administrative Rule (JB-R): Reasons for Excused Absences: Personally ill; Serious illness or death in immediate family (mother, father, siblings, grandparents, step-parents, guardians; Observance of religious holidays; Order of governmental agencies (e.g., military physicals); Court proceedings in which the child must appear; Initial deployment or return from deployment. Letters written by parents / physicians explaining the reason for absences must be presented to school on the date of return OR no later than the following day of the absences. Failure to submit a note within three school days after the student’s return will result in an unexcused absence. Principal reserves the right to ask for medical documentation to verify absences when more than THREE (3) absences have been accumulated in a semester.
Emphasis on Increased Attendance Continued… After THREE (3) UNEXCUSED absences, consequences MAY be applied: According to CCSD Attendance Protocol (JB-5): THREE Unexcused Absences – Teacher communication via email, phone parent conference, report card documentation: FIVE Unexcused Absences – District / School-generated letter, documenting school interventions: SEVEN Unexcused Absences – A POSSIBLE School Social Work Referral, documenting school interventions TEN OR MORE Unexcused Absences – Parents subject to referral for POSSIBLE truancy or educational neglect The school WILL WORK closely with parents on situations in which excessive absences are accumulated. It is imperative that students talk to their teachers to receive makeup work upon their return.
Transportation Changes: To change your child’s afternoon dismissal, please send a written note to the homeroom teacher that morning. Email transportation changes will not be accepted Last minute changes in your child’s dismissal cannot be accepted by telephone and MUST be received prior to 1:45 PM. You may send a fax to the school describing the needed change along with your signature to 770-642- 5623. Follow up with a call to the office staff to verify receipt of your fax.
New Changes to Timber Ridge Procedures Student checkouts must occur before 1:45 p.m. Bell system 7:20 Doors open 7:45 Warning bell (NEW) 7:50 Tardy bell 2:15 Warning bell (NEW) 2:20 Dismissal Tardies- At the 7:50 bell students are tardy and parents will need to walk their child into the office. Here Comes the Bus- Know where your kids are and know they are safe! Go to https://herecomesthebus.com/parents/ (Sponsored by CCSD Transportation) 5. Breakfast at the RIDGE! Every morning breakfast is served for $1.50 for students and $2.00 for adults.
Here Comes the Bus…
AC 6th Grade What is the Advanced Content (AC) model? English / Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies. Homogeneous grouping on the basis of academic performance/achievement in a specific academic content area Placement is determined by multiple criteria and ALL CCSD Middle Schools establish their own set of criteria for placement. AC eligibility can be found on both Dickerson and Dodgen Middle School websites. Dodgen http://www.cobbk12.org/Dodgen/ALL%20AC%20Gui delines%20-2020.pdf Dickerson http://www.cobbk12.org/dickerson/curriculum.aspx #advanced
Work/Study & Behavior Purpose Respect Integrity Determination Enthusiasm This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Birthday Celebrations Because of the class transitions, birthdays will be celebrated during your child’s 2nd block class. Please bring the snack that your student enjoys. (Cupcakes, cookies, ice cream sandwiches, donuts.) Leverone: 12:00 Burnight: 12:06 Cox: 12:12 Pretorius: 12:16
Daily Schedule
Academic Opportunity Time 7:20-7:50 daily Please encourage your child to use this time! Make up work, tests, & labs Book Check Out May see any 5th grade teacher for help
Binder For organization and communication Homework- homework from all classes Graded work will come home in a folder that stays in their binder, it will not be coming home in Thursday folders Agenda- contains daily homework Parent Check Daily!!!
Technology Links: We will have all students accessing Office 365 from home. This is a great way for students to collaborate with one another. Everyone should have reset their password for the new school year. Link for 5th Grade Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/tr5thgrade/ Link for Leverone’s Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/tr5thgrade/leverone/ Link for online textbooks: http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/learningresources/3thru5.aspx Link for Cobb Digital Library: http://www.cobbk12.org/cdl.aspx
Office 365 Login and Help
Communication Links, specials calendars, practice, assignments, and documents Grade Level Blog – http://www.cobblearning.net/tr5thgrade/ Link for Leverone’s Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/tr5thgrade/lev erone/ Thursday Folder - Upcoming events etc.
Amity.leverone@cobbk12.org Remind Homeroom/1st Block Enter this number: 81010 Text this message: @8a9aeg
ELA First Quarter: Primary focus is literary text with a secondary focus on informational Standard Grammar applies Direct Vocabulary Instruction utilizing Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop (books are 10.50) We will also utilize Readworks.org and CommonLit
Book Studies Quarter 2 – Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryam Quarter 3 – Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Social Studies First Quarter: Basic Economics Government and Civics Turn of the Century Begin WW I We will be a flipped classroom for Social Studies Studies Weekly and BrainPop can be accessed via Cobb Digital Library
Homework(Students will fill in agenda at start of week) Incomplete work is homework or Academic Opportunity work There will be some flipped classroom activities Continuous Formative/Summative Assessments
Thank you! I look forward to working with your child!
Amity.leverone@cobbk12.org Remind account 2nd block Enter this number: 81010 Text this message: @1920pmel
ELA First Quarter: Primary focus is literary text with a secondary focus on informational Standard Grammar applies Direct Vocabulary Instruction utilizing Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop (books are 10.50) We will also utilize Readworks.org and CommonLit
Book Studies Quarter 1 – Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff ***If your student would like their own copy, please send in their labeled book on or before August 19th. Quarter 2 – Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan Quarter 3 – Number the Stars by Lois Lowry Quarter 4 – Hidden Figures (Young Readers’s Edition) by Margot Lee Shetterly
Social Studies First Quarter: Basic Economics Government and Civics Turn of the Century Begin WW I We will be a flipped classroom for Social Studies Studies Weekly and BrainPop can be accessed via Cobb Digital Library
Homework(Students will fill in agenda at start of week) Incomplete work is homework or Academic Opportunity work There will be some flipped classroom activities Continuous Formative/Summative Assessments
Thank you! I look forward to working with your child!