Project Support Meeting January 9, 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Project Support Meeting January 9, 2019 J.G. Weisend II

Agenda News 2019 Goals Spares Funding Around the table

News Need input for Nov / Dec Monthly Report by January 14 Tech Board Next Week – January 17 Annual Review Results Weekly slide

Results of Annual Review Thanks to all who participated in the review, The presence of the IK partners in both the poster session and in giving talks played a major role in impressing the committee with the scope of work accomplished to date. Additionally, we received a number of compliments from the committee on the quality of the talks presented by both ESS staff and IK partners. Overall, the results of the review were very positive: “Impressive progress is being made towards delivering the world’s most capable neutron science facility, with the project now 52% complete.” “The overall scope of the in-kind contributions is unprecedented and the methods developed to manage them have been remarkably successful despite the anticipated difficulties.”

Results of Annual Review The single overriding recommendation of the committee for ESS as a whole was: “The Committee believes that resources laboratory-wide should now be focussed on achieving at least the minimum criteria for a “day 1 of science” milestone. This will necessitate postponing activities which are not needed for the new focus, and reallocating resources between the key project areas (CF, Accelerator, Target, NSS).” This is clearly a lesser goal than “Start of User Program” How ESS will interpret this recommendation and apply it is under discussion. Given the nature of the accelerator, this recommendation will likely have a minimum effect on ACCSYS. The committee does recognize the challenges that ESS is facing: “This narrowing of short-term focus is especially important given the observation by all subcommittees that schedule & cost contingency are very likely to be insufficient. “

Results of Annual Review Specific Recommendations for the Accelerator subproject were: Incorporate lessons from source/LEBT commissioning into the plan for future commissioning stages. Strengthen the operation group as early as possible, and involve system experts. Organize a mechanism for smooth transfer of knowledge between the IK partners and ESS staff.

W02-2019: Accelerator Week Progress: Preparations underway for upcoming “Work Camp” on operations and staffing Completion of TS2 bunker sufficient for installation of cryodistribution line. The installation work starts this week. The Vacuum team and Procurement finished the documents for the Turbomolecular pumps and Vacuum Catalog bid process. It is planned to the published end of second week of Jan. Issues: Delay in restart of Ion source to later in January due to need to procure a replacement power supply – This illustrates the spares issue In order to address CE Marking concerns, ACCSYS proposes that CE marking becomes the long term ambition for all ESS systems and that the Quality Division is charged with the task to assure that IK partners will do the minimum required for CE marking before the end of IK contracts. Discovered an interference issue between the DTL intertank apertures and the Faraday Cups - working with Legnaro to resolve it. Held a productive meeting with ICS to review and address issues with the IOxOS platform - a path forward to the BLM CDR is emerging. In-kind: CEA visiting ESS the 11 Jan to plan for RFQ installation. CDR for LLRF NC linac, from ESS Bilbao in Lund on January 15 ESS Bilbao experiences issues with the high power RF load for klystron reconditioning Upcoming Meetings: 28th Accelerator Technical Board Meeting January 17. Visit by J. Stovall to discuss warm linac installation and operation See also action list and weekly minutes at: and list of weekly slides at

Primary Goal: Beam through at least the RFQ by the end of 2019 Major Goals for 2019 Installation of the RFQ, MEBT and first DTL tanks in tunnel Installation of infrastructure for tunnel and RF gallery Commissioning of cryoplants completed and installation of cryo-distribution system completed Test stand 2 in Lund in operation 2 medium beta cryomodules assembled and 8 spoke cryomodules assembled NC , spoke and Medium beta RF systems installation ongoing with system operational for NC linac commissioning HEBT installation completed with magnets and beam pipe Integration of P6 Installation Plan into the P6 Live plan and infrastructure project plan in P6. Primary Goal: Beam through at least the RFQ by the end of 2019

12/3/2019 Initial Operations Spares Funding 2019-2020 ( some strategic adjustments between WPs may still be made)   2019 2020 Cryo Spares cash need: back-up compressor and oil system for ACCP 900 RF Sources Cash needs: replacements for spoke RF power stations 110 330 Klystron 352 Mhz 250 400 Critical Spare parts LLRF 17 Critical Spare parts Spoke 26 Critical Spare parts RF LPS 14 Power converters Spares cash needed: one complete spare modulator for RFQ / DTL and MB 65 194 Spares cash needed: set of spare parts for 12 modulators of RDQ/DTL and MB 21 63 Critical Spare parts for modulators 50 Spare tetrode 55 Critical Spare Magnet power supplies 11 Normal Conducting Linac Early spare for ion source test stand (partly from diagnostics /other areas) 120 Critical Spare parts for Ion Source and LEBT 85 Critical Spare parts for RFQ 33 Critical Spare parts MEBT 46 Critical Spare parts DTL 20 Utilities Critical Spare connectors and spare water HW 10 Critical Spare parts Electrical Beam Diagnostics Critical Spare parts Diagnostics 56 Vacuum Critical Spare parts Vacuum