2019 OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Alexandria Portland Cement Company ”APCC” Building our Future Together APPCC is a TITAN Group business.
Dust Emissions Q2|2019 OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Kiln Main Stack Dust 3.9 mg/Nm3 , Dry, @10% O2 Clinker Cooler Stack 1.1 mg/Nm3 , Dry Alexandria Portland Cement Company ”APCC” OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Dust Emissions Q2|2019 The dust emission results during the second quarter of 2019 were in full compliance with the emission limits of the Egyptian Environment Law. Building our Future Together APPCC is a TITAN Group business.
Kiln Main Stack NOx 331 mg/Nm3 , Dry, @10% O2 Alexandria Portland Cement Company ”APCC” OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE NOx Emissions Q2|2019 The dust emission results during the second quarter of 2019 were in full compliance with the emission limits of the Egyptian Environment Law. Building our Future Together APPCC is a TITAN Group business.
Kiln Main Stack SO2 5.1 mg/Nm3 , Dry, @10% O2 Alexandria Portland Cement Company ”APCC” OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE SO2 Emissions Q2|2019 The dust emission results during the second quarter of 2019 were in full compliance with the emission limits of the Egyptian Environment Law. Building our Future Together APPCC is a TITAN Group business.
Specific Water Consumption during the Second Quarter of 2019 was Alexandria Portland Cement Company ”APCC” OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE Specific Water Consumption during the Second Quarter of 2019 was 170 lt./ t Cement Water Consumption Q2 / 2019 Building our Future Together APPCC is a TITAN Group business.