Holley-Navarre Intermediate Volunteer orientation August 29, 2019
Welcome! Beth Mosley, Principal
Overview of Volunteer Program Ann Thompson, Assistant Principal
Goals of Volunteer Program Increase parent and family engagement Provide assistance and support to classroom teachers and support staff Improve communication and strengthen relations between school and community Enrich student experiences through unique contributions by volunteers
Volunteer Application Process Volunteer application must be completed each year Background check will be completed by school List of applicants for approval will be submitted to SRC School Board each month Once approved or denied, volunteers will be contacted by the school
Volunteer Expectations Safety-sign in and out Positive role model for students Information regarding students is confidential and should not be shared Concerns regarding student safety should be discussed with administration Volunteer duties and times should be coordinated through the designated teacher or staff member
Volunteer Guidelines Always sign in and out through the front office. Wear volunteer badge in a readily visible location. Do not disclose private or confidential student information to anyone. Volunteers may not discipline children. Always work under the supervision of a teacher or staff member. Possession of any type of tobacco products is prohibited on campus. Consult the classroom teacher regarding students’ allergies. Cell phones should be in silent mode to avoid classroom disruptions. Volunteers should use staff/adult restrooms and not student restrooms.
TipS for Positive interactions with Students Call students by name when possible. Accept children as they are. Encourage and affirm students. Only provide students with materials and/or food approved by the teacher. Encourage students with “high fives” or fist bumps rather than physical contact. Be friendly and enthusiastic- it is contagious!
Volunteer Check-in/out Robbie Neely, Data Processor
Tammie White, Guidance Counselor Confidentiality Tammie White, Guidance Counselor
Parent Support Team (PST) Gretchen Brown, Coordinator
Please Visit the HNIS website for more information You will find a link to the Santa Rosa County School District’s Volunteer Handbook at hnischool.weebly.com.
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