PILGRIMAGE OF MAY 2019 ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CHURCH Left on May 5 and landed on Tel Aviv on May 6 We are reminded by our tour guy, “If you want to play, come to Tel Aviv. If you want to pray, come to Jerusalem.”
Our Group at Hotel in Tel Aviv When we arrived.
Safely Landed to Israel First Dinner together in Israel
Tiberia (5/7-9) From the Hotel Looking down to the Sea of Mediterranean.
Cesarean City of Cesar Group Picture at Amphitheater
Greek Cared for Beauty, While Rome Looked for Theater.
In the City of Cesar
Differences between Rich Graveside and Poor Graveside
Baha’i Garden or Mount Carmel in Haifa
Kefar Kanna Church of Wedding Cana in Galilee Israel
Inside the Church of The Wedding Cana
The Church of the Annunciation
The House of Mary & Jesus in Nazareth
At the Church of the Annunciation
The Church of Saint Joseph
Renewal Vows At Wedding Cana Chapel
One side of the Sea of Galilee Sea of Galilee is a Sea of Giving and Leave. Therefore, Dead Sea is only received, not giving.
Sea of Galilee The Sea of Give and Leave
The Church built on Mount of the Beatitudes
Pope Paul VI and St. Pope John Paul II Visited the Church of the Beatitude.
Town of Magdala Magda means Tower
Capernaum—um means a name of a person and Caper means place.
Celebrated Mass at St. Peter Memorial Chapel (5/8)
Mount Tabor: Celebrated Mass at Moses Chapel (5/9)
Bethlehem: Celebrated Mass at st. Joseph Chapel (5/10)
Calvary: Celebrated Mass at Holy Sepulchre: Crucifixion (5/11)
Bethany: Celebrated Mass at Crusader Chapel (5/12)
The Cenacle: Celebrated Mass at Cenacle (5/13)
Lisbon (5/14-15) Lisbon: Celebrated Mass at Chapel of Dona Estefania Hospital where St. Jacinta passed away (5/14)
Santarem: Celebrated Mass at Eucharistic Miracle Church (5/15)
Fatima (5/15-17) Celebrated Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel (5/16)
Salamanca (5/17-18) Celebrated Mass at Church of San Julian (5/17)
Alba de Tormes: Celebrated Mass at Carmelite Friars Convent (5/18) Burgos (5/18-19) Alba de Tormes: Celebrated Mass at Carmelite Friars Convent (5/18)
Lourdes (5/19-22) Loyola: Celebrated Mass at the Conversion Chapel of St. Ignatius (5/19)
Lourdes: Concelebrated Mass at the Grotto with Archbishop Eamon Martin of Ireland and his 20 priests and 6oo faithful (5/20)
Lourdes: Celebrated Mass at Chapel of St. Jean of Arc (5/21)