The community college pathway Gloria Darafshi Transfer Counselor/Articulation Officer Cañada College NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
California Public Higher Education California Community Colleges (CCC)– 114 colleges California State Universities (CSU) – 23 campuses University of California (UC) – 9 campuses (excluding UCSF)
Community College Transfer The California Community Colleges have transfer agreements with both CSU and UC systems which make it easier for students to transfer from the community college. UC admitted 76% of Community College applicants for Fall 2019 75% of Canada College UC applicants were admitted in 2018-19
Benefits of the Transfer Pathway Students choose the transfer path for many reasons: Undecided on academic or career goals Have not met requirements for freshman admission Second chance at first choice four year institution Are not ready or able to leave home Want the affordability of community colleges * Want additional academic preparation or exploration in specific academic areas Smaller class size; individualized support services *2019-20 Annual Tuition: UC $13,509 CSU $ 7,254 CCC $ 1,380
Lower-division Coursework Freshman & Sophomore years Community College 60 transfer units Lower-division Coursework Freshman & Sophomore years Associate Degree for Transfer 4-Year University 60+ additional units Upper-division Coursework Junior & Senior years Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree
Transfer Services at Cañada College Associate Degrees for Transfer Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Honors Transfer Program Transfer Day UC Berkeley TAP Program Student Educational Plan Individualized Transfer Counseling University Field Trips Articulation University Rep. Visits 50+Transfer Workshops
Course Articulation with UC & CSU Elec. Engr. & Comp. Science Business Administration UCB Cañada Cal Poly SLO Cañada
What is UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)? Guaranteed admission to one of the 6 UC campuses of your choice – if you meet and maintain the required criteria Early review of your academic records Early admission notification Guidance from UC advisors Apply for TAG and UC admission in the Fall term, one year before transfer UC’s with TAG Davis Santa Barbara Riverside Merced Santa Cruz Irvine # of Cañada students with TAG’s in Fall terms: 78-95
TAG Eligibility Criteria
Honors Transfer Program (HTP) Program for students interested in challenging academic experiences through classes and seminars. Excellent preparation for university work. All honors courses are open to the entire student population. Build relationship with instructional faculty. Include on scholarship and transfer applications. 3.3 GPA and transfer level coursework required to join the HTP. Cañada has between 75-100 Honor’s students each year.
Honors Transfer Program Complete 15 honors units with a 3.3 GPA to get Honors Certification. UCLA and UC Irvine give priority admission to HTP certified students. HTP students can present research at UC Berkeley or Stanford U Honors Research Symposiums. Cañada is a member of the UCLA Honors Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) and the Honors Transfer Council of California (HTCC). At the Spring 2019 Honors Symposium, a Cañada student won the top prize – the Heslet Scholar – for his research on Chemical Structural Modification!!
What is the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)? What is ADT? What are the benefits? Associate Degree For Transfer is a path to CSU campuses Students complete all the requirements for transfer and earn an AA-T or AS-T degree in the process Degree is comprised of classes only needed for transfer GPA bump when applying to the CSU It offers priority admission to a CSU campus AA-T and AS-T students admitted to CSU are guaranteed to complete BA/BS in 60 semester units Special advising at the CSU campus and admission to Promise Program on some campuses. In Spring, 2019, Cañada students submitted 247 ADT petitions; 207 degrees were awarded.
ADT Degrees at Cañada College Anthropology Elementary Teacher Education Philosophy Art History English Physics Biology Environmental Sciences Political Science Business Administration Geography Psychology Child & Adolescent Development History Social Work and Human Services Communication Studies Law, Public Policy, and Society Sociology Computer Science Kinesiology Spanish Early Childhood Education Mathematics Studio Arts Economics Nutrition and Dietetics Theatre Arts