Figure 1: Inclusion and Exclusions Figure 1: Inclusion and Exclusions. Included Posterior pole retinoblastoma after chemotherapy were (a) juxtafoveal tumors (yellow outline) encroaching on the fovea with preserved foveal pit (Yellow arrow) without underlying tumor documented by OCT and (b) Perifoveal tumors (Blue Outline) encroaching the fovea with loss of foveal pit (right) or preserved foveal pit and underlying tumor (left) documented on OCT. Excluded posterior pole retinoblastoma after chemotherapy were (c) foveal tumors (Green outline) without potential visual salvage due to total involvement of a 2 DD circle circumference centered over the yellow pigment or (d) extrafoveal tumors (Red outline) with excellent potential visual outcome due to non involvement of the 2 DD circle.
Figure 5: secondary macular changes after Sequential laser crescent treatment. a-c) Retinoschisis was the most common secondary change were perifoveal retinal layers showed retinoschisis in both juxtafoveal (a-b) and perifoveal tumors (c). Other changes included d) foveal atrophy and e) loss of foveal contour secondary to epiretinal membrane. Loss of the photoreceptor inner segment outer segment (IS-OS) junction was noted in 64% of juxtafoveal tumors (a, b and d) while 36% showed preserved Is-OS junction (e-f). The final visual acuity in these eyes was 0.1, (b), 0.25, 0.16, 0.5 and (f) respeectively.