Senior English 1/14/19 Do you or anyone you know have experience with the court system? What is your impression? Why? What is a baby’s favorite motto?


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 1/14/19 Do you or anyone you know have experience with the court system? What is your impression? Why? What is a baby’s favorite motto? Codswallop- nonsense. Goals - Work with Judge Short to assign roles. Discuss issues related to Mock Trial. Homework – Read and annotate the case. If at first you don’t succeed cry, cry again.

Senior English 1/15/19 What is the strongest evidence for the plaintiff? For the Defendant? If you aren’t feeling well what should you do? Brainstorm – sudden madness. Goals – Work with teams to agree on evidence you want to bring out. Write questions. Jurors and Judges work on appellate cases. Homework – Each lawyer and witness develop one set of questions for either direct or cross examination. Don’t forget to study for vocab final 8-15 on Friday. Take off your gloves.

Senior English 1/16/19 Write on a subject of your choice concerning Mock Trial. Questions? What is worse than a centipede with athlete’s foot? Bumf – paperwork. Short for the slang word, bumfodder… toilet paper. Goals – Work in groups for writing questions and responses. Period 3 Watch the end of 12 Angry Men? Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocab final 8-15 on Friday. A turtle with claustrophobia.

Senior English 1/17/19 Do citizens have a responsibility to their government or each other? Why or why not? What is worse than a turtle with claustrophobia? Chucker-out – bouncer. Goals – Get all your questions finished and hand written. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocab final 8-15 on tomorrow. An elephant with hay fever

Senior English 1/18/19 Five minutes to study for vocab. Final weeks 8-15. What is a jittery sorceress? Cuffuffle – slang for dithering or being agitated. Goals – Complete vocabulary Final. Homework – Get your 12 Angry Men paper done for Tuesday. twitch