Best Practices in Building HIV Care Networks
Driving Forces for Opening the 1917 Clinic
Driving Forces for Opening the 1917 Clinic (cont)
Defining the 1917 Clinic's Success
Undetectable = Untransmissable
Addressing Social Determinants of Care in PLWH
Addressing Social Determinants of Care in PLWH (cont)
Addressing Social Determinants of Care in PLWH (cont)
Addressing Social Determinants of Care in PLWH: Partnering With the Community
30-Year Journey What Has Stayed the Same?
30-Year Journey What Has Changed?
Funding for HIV Care
Available Funds Through Ryan White Care Act
Patients' Needs Beyond Medication
1917 Clinic's Viral Suppression Success
1917 Clinic's Multidisciplinary Team Approach
90-90-90 Goals for 2020 Treatment for All
Maintaining U=U
Best Practices to Achieve Optimal Patient Outcomes
Looking to the Future: 90-90-90 Targets
90-90-90 Targets Strategies to Achieve and Maintain
Challenges With Addiction and Mental Health Taking a Closer Look
Tapping Into UAB Mental Health Resources to Address Mental Health and Addiction Issues
Funds Received by UAB
Concluding Remarks