Deputy Project Coordinator LME 21 – Building Partnerships Around LMEs in Support of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda The CLME+ Initiative Laverne Walker Deputy Project Coordinator
The Caribbean Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention
The Caribbean Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention Catalyzing implementation of the 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf LME’s
CARTAGENA CONVENTION AREA THIS FIGURE: WECAFC AREA CARTAGENA CONVENTION AREA 3 LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEMS: CLME + NBSLME = CLME+ Note: LME’s = adequate geographic units for EBM (NOAA, GEF,..) Catalyzing implementation of the 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf LME’s
Wider Caribbean Region and oceans Huge dependency of the region on the ocean and ocean related economies According to the World Bank Group (2012), the gross revenues generated by the ocean economy in the Caribbean in 2012 were on the order of US$407 billion, equivalent to some 14 to 27 percent of the estimated value of the global ocean economy Catalyzing implementation of the 10-year Strategic Action Programme for the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf LME’s
Threats to the CLME+ ROOT CAUSES of THREATS WEAKNESS OF GOVERNANCE limited HUMAN & FINANCIAL resources; inadequate (ACCESS to) DATA and INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE inadequate public AWARENESS and INVOLVEMENT inadequate consideration of the VALUE of ECOSYSTEM goods & services Overarching Root Cause Habitat Degradation Pollution Unsustainable Fishing Practices
CLME+ Initiative Public Sector Civil Society Private Sector
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