Powerpoint Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 If I were a Weed The turf Environment Temperature It’s in the Math Turf Stuff I Forgot 10 20 30 40 50
Category 1 - 10
Category 1 - 20
60-75 degrees F
80-95 degrees F
40-105 degrees F
125-130 degrees F
Below 32 degrees F
How many cubic inches are in a cubic ft
How many pounds of N are in 100 pound bag of 10-10-10
How many gallons in one cubic foot
How many square feet in a pallet of sod
How many milliliters in a fluid oz
What is the Latin name of Tall Fescue
of a balanced fertilizer What is the ratio of a balanced fertilizer
What is the common name of 3336, T Strom, or Raven
Name the strokes for a 4 cycle engine
Which type of engine uses the heat of compression for combustion