工學院特別演講公告 Label-free Early Cancer Detection Using Silicon Nanophotonic Devices 演講日期:102年8月2日(五) AM:10:00-11:00 演講地點:圖書館5F放映室3 主 持 人:電子系劉國辰主任 特邀講者:Ray T.


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工學院特別演講公告 Label-free Early Cancer Detection Using Silicon Nanophotonic Devices 演講日期:102年8月2日(五) AM:10:00-11:00 演講地點:圖書館5F放映室3 主 持 人:電子系劉國辰主任 特邀講者:Ray T. Chen Ray T. Chen is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas Austin, and holds the Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed Professorship in Engineering. His research work has been awarded over 100 research grants and contracts from such sponsors as DOD, NSF, DOE, EPA, NIH, NASA, the State of Texas, and private industry. Chen is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA, and SPIE. He was the recipient of the 1987 UC Regent’s Dissertation Fellowship and the 1999 UT Engineering Foundation Faculty Award, for his contributions in research, teaching and services. He was also the recipient of the 2008 IEEE Teaching Award, and the 2010 IEEE HKN Loudest Professor Award. There are 44 PhD students graduated from Chen’s group in the past 20 years.