EXAMPLE INCARE IN SHORT STORY IN FOCUS The aim of the INCARE project is to support older people in their daily activities, extend their period of independence and simultaneously care for their well- being and quality of life in aging societies. The INCARE solution is to be an integrated, innovative care system for the elderly and their carers, offering a range of functionalities that facilitate everyday life and ensure the safety of seniors. OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES GENERATING IDEAS DEVELOPING & TESTING Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people ore works of art. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Caring for seniors in aging societies brings a number of benefits at many levels. The oldest members of society remain independent, fulfilled and happy longer, while the rest of the community can continue to benefit from their knowledge and experience. The INCARE solution was created on strong pillars - two successful solutions developed under AAL and European projects: NITICS, financed under the AAL 2012 and RAPP invitation, financed in the years 2013-2016 by the EC under the 7th FP7 framework program. Both were aimed at supporting older people in independent living in the home environment and social circles. The resulting INCARE platform will be modular, highly configurable and adaptable, easily applied and used by seniors regardless of age, culture and disability related to age. The task of the INCARE system will be the integration of many devices, sensors and technological solutions that, cooperating with each other, will offer functionalities in the following areas: detection and alerting about the fall (outside and inside); monitoring of health and the situation at home; supporting physical and cognitive activity; calendar management and reminding about planned activities; threat detection; providing information; facilitating communication. The system will be equipped with a friendly and easy to use interface controlled by voice or using gestures or touch. The INCARE project is being carried out by an international consortium of 8 partners, chaired by the IT Center for Science and Technology in Bucharest (Romania). The idea of the solution implementers is its commercialization - introducing INCARE to the market within two years of the project's completion. The current business model assumes monthly micropayments from end users for used INCARE modules (eg EUR 9.50 per module, month and account). The project's duration is scheduled for November 2018 - September 2021. IMPLEMENTING & FINANCING GROWING & SCALING CHANGING SYSTEMS https://mashable.com/2011/03/14/social-good-fundraising-tools/?europe=true#YSWXYTdMqOqq Causes enables you to build your profile and show the world what you care about. That is how you can join with friends, leaders and communities ready to help you. The Internet provides more opportunity than ever before for people to get involved in making the world a better place. To enable people around the world to get deeply involved in creating social and political change, Causes.com is introducing the Supporter Network, a purpose-driven network for social good. On his 38th birthday this year, Mr. Sugars, a skin cancer survivor and chief executive of the professional coaching firm ActionCoach, decided to raise money for the Cancer Schmancer Movement, a nonprofit organization devoted to the detection and early treatment of the disease. With a few quick clicks on Facebook, Mr. Sugars installed a program called “Causes” on his profile page and asked each of his 3,000 friends on the social network to contribute at least $38. Within a few weeks, more than 50 had given — some generously. By matching each donation, Mr. Sugars raised nearly $8,000 for the charity. © Social Innovation Academy. Inspiration, sources, credits: 1) http://www.aal-europe.eu/projects/incare/ 2) https://stocznia.org.pl/projekty/incare-innowacyjny-system-opieki-dla-osob-starszych-oraz-ich-opiekunow/ 3) photo: https://www.freepik.com/ For more social innovation examples, visit www.socialinnovationacademy.eu