October 2017 – October 2019 AD 1,055 NG 210 AR 282 Total 1,547 Personnel Enrolled 484,256 Surveys Completed 312,007 Number of units ^Debriefed in ARAP during 2 Year period (by component): with suspect data Without Suspect data ARAP Group (Mean Score) Range (Class A Accidents) Fatalities Class B Accidents Top 25 % (4.214) 4.027 - 4.775 (19) 15 12 2nd (3.927) 3.833 - 4.026 (28) 17 11 3rd (3.742) 3.640 - 3.832 (42) 35 34 Bottom (3.485) 2.860 - 3.639 (89) 70 57 ARAP Group (Mean Score) Range (Class A Accidents) Fatalities Class B Accidents Top 25 % (4.251) 4.077 - 4.775 (15) 23 10 2nd (3.967) 3.890 - 4.076 (23) 16 9 3rd (3.796) 3.699 - 3.889 (38) 37 22 Bottom (3.522) 2.860 - 3.698 (102) 83 73 Prepared 9 October 2019
top five scoring arap questions top and bottom scoring arap questions 1based on mean score top five scoring arap questions 16 Leaders in my unit encourage everyone to be safe and to follow the rules. 13 In my unit, we believe safety is an important part of all operations. 49 I am properly trained to safely conduct all of my missions. 26 Unit leaders consider safety issues during the planning and execution of operational and training plans. 20 My unit sets high quality standards and strives to maintain quality control. bottom five scoring arap questions 34 Based upon my unit's personnel and other resources, the unit is stretched too thin. 50 Morale and motivation in my unit are high. 24 Lack of experienced personnel has negatively affected my units ability to operate safely. 52 Mandatory “down time” standards are enforced in my unit. 59 The Safety Officer position is a desired job in my unit. 1When analyzed, mean scores are comparable whether a unit is deployed or at home station..