Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities in Community Activities Support to Preparation of Person with Disability Rights Regulation, 2019 Presented by Keshav Bhattarai Nepal Action plan Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities in Community Activities
Map of Nepal
Mt. Everest ( Roof of the world)
1. Background Nepal is a small land locked country in South Asia. Capital Kathmandu Neighbors India and China Area of land 147,181 sq. km Total population 29,384,297 Total PWDs 513,321 (1.94⸓)
Background ……. Legislation On Disability Disability Protection and Welfare Act, 1982 Disability Welfare Regulation 1993 Social Response Not enough facilities, used of derogative words Government apprehends PWDs cannot do anything Considered as burden on society
Background…….. The Constitution of the country enshrines many articles pertaining to right to equality, education, social justice, social security as fundamental human rights Rectified UNCRPD on 2009 UNCRPD & Nepal's 10 years policy and plan of action underscore PWDs rights New Act ˝person with disability rights promotion act 2017" is in force. Well designed act to safeguard PWDs rights Hence, there is no mechanism to implement this Act in letter and spirit
Background…… Salient features of the Act: issuance of Identity card mentioned social security allowance health, education, transportation, supporting services, employment etc. are mentioned Salient features of the Act .
2. Project period Short term 2 years Long term 10 years
3. Objectives Long term objective PWDs live in their own community with equal right Short term objectives All types of PWDs will get identity card in their home town 80⸓ no of the children with disability of developed area will enroll at school for inclusive education 70⸓ of related government and non governmental organization will understand the needs of PWDs and extended their program to support them The number of employment of PWDs will increased from 700 to 1,700 within 2 years
4. Targete area and population: Nepal
5. Strategies and activities Strategy 1 Baseline Survey Collect data of PWDs from govt. & NGOs organization, DPOs and so on Strategy 2 Children with disability in education. Prepare 200 trained teachers on special education. Prepare curriculum for PWDs Motivate parents for send children with disability in public schools
Strategies and activities….. Strategy 3 MOWCSC motivate other ministry to understand their role. Sent the drafted regulation to the ministry for further consideration. Conduct the seminar in MOWCSC where focal person of all ministry and NFD-N will invite and discuss the rights and possibilities of PWDS. Demonstrate the picture of exposure visit and telling them the success cases in other countries like: Japan, Australia in seminar.
Strategies and activities…… Strategy 4 Employment promotion Divide quota among PWDs according to types of disabilities Create 2⸓ job opportunity (fixing quota) in large industry. Provide training on animal keeping, vegetable farming and marketing Pre visibility study for establishment of day care centres at least one of each province for the regular training and income generating activities
6 . Budget (Resource)
7. Schedule of the project
Schedule of the project……..
8. Risk and Mitigation Strategies Risks No response by the ministries and other agencies. Internal & external coordination. No decision in the meeting. Delay in processing. Release of fund and other resources. Supporting staff's support.
Mitigation Strategies Budget will release timely Active role –Regular follow up ∕Co-ordination Make check list for monitoring Preparation of meeting Staff are honest, dedicated & helpful One party absolute majority
9. Monitoring
10. Documentation VDC & MDC will collect information of their territory and prepare the report and send to social development ministry of concerning province in quarterly. Each province collect report of all that province's VDC & MDC and sent its integrated report to MOWCSC in each year. MOWCSC prepare National report
11. Evaluation The progress of the set objectives will have been evaluated in the final of the project period. The responsible person for the evaluation is the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen (Keshav Bhattarai) in collaboration with other Ministries, VDC and MDC.
12. Indicators of evaluation Compiled early report of PWDs. The prepared PWDs regulation. Pre visibility study report of day care center of each province. The children with disability have been admitted in regular schools. The mild disability of PWDs has been employed in civil service as well as in the big firms.
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