Minimum Viable Product How to build an MVP @JoeKratzat Talk about a client that didn’t understand MVP and it ended up costing them. I want to help save you time and money and waste Brag about software experience Talk about how hard building software can be
Outline Who I am, what I do What is an MVP Why MVP? How to MVP Should you build it? What other options are there? Sell your idea! Scale isn’t your concern...yet
Joe Kratzat Working at Oracle Co-owner of Foxio, a software company. In business for 5 years Built many MVPs We cost money!
MVP A minimum viable product has just those core features necessary to release the product, and no more MVP has core features, no more
MVP A minimum viable product has just those core features necessary to release the product, and no more This don’t mean make your MVP poorly, but rather focus on key features that set your product part Maybe a better word is simple. A simple product Core features like “secret sauce” not login, fancy tech or scale Example MVP let’s build a to move people from point A to point B
MVP core features no more MVP for mobility (core feature) would be a skateboard, work up to a car. Snapchat - The first iteration of the product was a screen where tapping anywhere took a picture that you could then send to someone else No video, no filters, no social networking, no commenting and no storage A skateboard is a product. It’s faster than walking, it’s simple. Before we get to car we need to see if people want skateboard
Why have an MVP? Be able to test a product hypothesis with minimal resources Accelerate learning Reduce wasted engineering hours Get the product to early customers as soon as possible The whole point is to make a product users will pay for. Focused MVP allows building without waste.
Gall’s Law Simple then iterate all complex systems that work evolved from simpler systems that worked. If you want to build a complex system that works, build a simpler system first, and then improve it over time. Simple then iterate Gall’s Law is why Prototyping and Iteration work so well as a value-creation methodology. Instead of building a complex system from scratch, building a prototype is much easier—it’s the simplest possible creation that will help you verify that your system meets critical selection tests. Iteration and Incremental Augmentation, over time, will produce extremely complex systems that actually work, even as the environment changes. Do it simply, gather feedback the iterate
How much does an app cost? Let’s play out how much a simple app might cost. Asks questions to figure out price
How much does an app cost? iOS and/or Android? Do users login? Do they have profiles? How are you going to make money? Is there a rating system? Does your app save information in a central database? How nice should it look? Do we care about User Experience? Do you need a custom icon? The site asks these simple questions to give a rough costs breakdown. Both ios and android Simple email only login Create a profile Not sure how it will make money Database … yes It should look stock (not super nice) Have a custom logo Guess the cost
How much does an app cost? This only includes boilerplate features. We haven’t even begun to build your customer software My point, custom built products cost money. Without focus, the costs go up. So, should you build it?
MVP: Should you build it? NOT YET Building things costs time and money Building extras wastes money Do you have users yet? Will they pay? How are you generating leads? If you have to, be focused Should you custom build it? Not yet, you have no users! In some cases: You shouldn’t automate things you can’t manually do Put ads up for your product to grow potential users (think kickstarter) If you have to build small as possible but complete (think skateboard). Be focused
What other options are there? Do things manually Manually email your 10 customers a daily update Manually mark users as paid or update their subscription information Manually take action on an event (megacon event system). Manually marking orders as paid, shipped, received. Manually update things in the database, or have a simple admin section to manually do certain things. If done right users won’t know, or care.
What other options are there? 3rd party tools Use existing boiler plate before you custom build. You don’t have to maintain things you don’t build. Very much like renting vs buying a house Just some examples: Auth0 for user login - they handle facebook, google all other logins Fancy Hands - hire people for 20 min chunks for $5 (amazon’s Mechanical Turk) IFTTT - Automate things without programing Zapier - Automate other things (more businessy) without programing
Example We want to build a site that allows users to make reservations online. User logins in, is taken to a static website hosted in amazon (mobile optimized) User clicks a button setup dinner reservation, which contacts your fancy hands to have them call restaurant and make reservation, then using Zapier to send a text to the user via twilio with a confirmation Strange example, but using 3rd party tools like this you can actually build real businesses (MVP). Building restaurant integrations in software would take a lot of time This kind of option is much more non-tech friendly. Some coding but not as much as you think.
MVP: Sell your idea Not building allows you to sell your idea. Not to VCs to users/customers. They need to get to stage 4 Stage 1: marketing site Stage 2: get users emails Stage 3: they use your MVP Stage 4: they give you money
Start with simple marketing site MVP: Sell your idea Start with simple marketing site Get users signing up (3rd party tool: LaunchRock) Build hyper focused MVP (nothing more) Demo the product as much as possible! Get feedback Start out by having awesome marketing site. Start collecting user info before you even launch. Give insight into if idea is worth pursuing quickly If you have to have a working product to sell make it hyper focused or demo only until you generate users Example: demo at 5 across at Awesome inc Figure out what users don’t like and fix (user retention) lots of listening/watching/reviewing analytics/etc. without leading the the user by asking questions like “Did you think it was easy to navigate?” informal, cheaper, Marketing research
Programmers worrying about whether their architecture will Web Scale is like buying a lottery coupon and fretting about which yacht to buy. - DHH (creator of Ruby on Rails) Putting the cart before the horse
MVP core features no more A minimum viable product has just those core features necessary to release the product, and no more
Recap What is an MVP Why MVP? How to MVP Should you build it? What other options are there? Sell your idea! Lastly profit