Welcome To Lee Burneson Middle School 7th Grade Orientation August 26, 2019
Introductions of Staff Principal – Mrs. Amanda Musselman Assistant Principal – Mr. Kevin Barre 7th Grade Counselor – Mrs. Romeo Earth Team (Mr. Milkie) Sea Team (Mrs. Seighman) Sky Team (Mr. Sullivan) Exploratory (Mrs. Regas)
General Information School Day 7:50am-2:35pm Building opens at 7:35am Students need to exit the building by 3:00 pm (unless here for clubs/athletics) (Link for Athletics if needed - see handout in packet!) Lunch: Sky - 11:50-12:20, Earth/Sea - 12:20 - 12:50 $3.25 per lunch. Milk is $.60. Students can pay online or by check. Students enter a code for their lunch.
General Information Attendance Please call the attendance line for an absence, doctor’s appointment or early dismissal. The attendance number is 440-835-6337. If unexcused, you will get an automated message to call our attendance line. All absences MUST be called in. Doctor’s appointment or early dismissal: Call the attendance line prior to the appointment or early dismissal. Parents MUST enter through the front of the building and sign students out of school in the main office. Students returning to class DO NOT require a parent signature.
General Information Immunization Appropriate immunizations must be completed by ALL 7th Graders no later than September 13th Medication Medication, both prescription and over-the-counter, must be kept in the office and be accompanied with a form for administering medication. The form is available in the office and on the LBMS webpage.
General Information Academic Classes All class are 59 minutes in length Academic Assist Academic assist is an opportunity for students to meet with their teachers if there is a need. Gym Uniforms Uniforms are required by September 16th New uniforms are available! The cost for a complete uniform is $20.00. Proceeds will be used to support our Demons Club Athletic Boosters.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
PBIS Focus of PBIS Positive Supports at LBMS Positive Referrals To create a positive classroom and school climate that fosters being respectful, responsible, and ready to learn The core values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, SAFETY, AND EXCELLENCE are essential life skills and behaviors all students are expected to demonstrate at LBMS Behavioral expectations are explicit and posted throughout the school Positive Supports at LBMS Positive Referrals Burneson + Individual Team Rewards Good News Postcards Student of the Month
Behavioral Expectations Respect every student’s right to learn Respect every teacher’s right to teach Treat others with respect and courtesy at all times Contribute something positive to the building each and every day Have pride in your community and learning facilities Order and good behavior in the cafeteria is essential and will be strictly enforced. Communicate with your families daily about school Dress appropriately Report bullying and harassment of others Come to each class on time and prepared to learn
Disciplinary Process Respect each teacher’s right to teach. Respect each student’s right to learn. Teams track offenses throughout year Progressive discipline policy, following code of conduct locate in student handbooks (familiarize yourself) Students receive office referrals if behaviors are not extinguished after repeated requests and disciplinary actions. Students are removed from learning environment if repeated interventions are not working (sent to the office). Long and short detentions, ISA, phone calls home, OSS, etc. Student safety emotionally and physically is a top priority.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices Cell phones and various devices may be used in class, IF the teacher allows these devices to be used as part of the lesson ~ Ask if you aren’t sure! Cell phones and electronic devices MAY NOT be used at lunch. Students must sign and abide by the acceptable use policy, and adhere to classroom rules. Failure to comply may result in having the electronic device (and possibly privileges) taken away. Please be EXTREMELY cautious with your electronics. Keep them locked up or with you. You are responsible for your personal cell phone and devices
Take PRIDE in your Appearance and Dress for Success! Appearance Code Take PRIDE in your Appearance and Dress for Success! YOU MAY NOT WEAR: Tank tops, spaghetti straps, or cap sleeves Pants, shorts, or skirts with excessive rips or holes Short shorts or short skirts ~Follow the fingertip rule If you wear leggings or tights, your shirt MUST reach your fingertips Shirts that show your midriff (if you lift your arms, and your stomach shows, do not wear it) Pants that are baggy and do not stay at your waist **Administration reserves the right to change and/or enforce dress code policies for any clothing that creates a distraction to the learning environment.
Grades 7 - 12 Drug Testing Policy All students participating in sports or extracurriculars in Grades 7-12 will be subject to random drug testing. Consent for this was part of the Back to Information online update. Please see handout in orientation packet.
Guidance Department Mrs. Romeo- 7th Grade Counselor Mrs. Horne - 8th Grade Counselor Mrs. Grillo - Guidance Receptionist The guidance department is an important part of the school Use counselors for academic and social concerns First step in reporting harassment and bullying Speak up and speak out. Inform and communicate If overwhelmed or in need of someone to talk to, counselors are always available to students. Please stop and see Mrs. Grillo to make an appointment any time of day.
Coffee & Conversation On the last Friday of each month, parents are invited to join the administrators and school counselors for Coffee and Conversation in our library. Topics will vary month and month and will be publicized via a school messenger and PTA Blast at least 1 week before the event!
Schedules Please check your locker combination and location today if you didn’t during schedule pickup. If you have questions about your schedule please go to the guidance office. They will be in contact in the next few days to adjust schedules as needed.
FOLLOW THE BURNESON WAY HAVE FUN & GET INVOLVED!!!!! Make great use of your time! Take advantage of all LBMS has to offer! See the “Get Involved at LBMS” handout in your orientation packet for all of the clubs, sports and activities LBMS has to offer! BE LEADERS HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE INSPIRE OTHERS FOLLOW THE BURNESON WAY HAVE FUN & GET INVOLVED!!!!!
Team Meetings & Open House! Exploratory - Art Room - Rm C114 Earth Team - Rm 110/111 Sea Team - Gym Sky Team- Cafeteria Exploratory - Art Room - Rm C114