Linden County Water District October 25, 2018
GSP Topics & Project Schedule GSP Finalization Elements 2
Outreach Update
Next Informational Meeting November 7th , 6:30-8:00 PM Manteca Transit Center 220 Moffat Blvd. Manteca, CA 95336 4
Outreach Update The ESJ GWA Facebook page provides the most current information on upcoming events Like the page for future updates 5
Get Connected and Subscribe for Updates 6
Reminder – Workgroup Materials are Posted 8
Sustainable Yield 4
What is Sustainable Yield? “Sustainable yield means the maximum quantity of water, calculated over a base period representative of long-term conditions in the basin and including any temporary surplus, that can be withdrawn annually from a groundwater supply without causing an undesirable result.” California Water Code Section 10721 10
Sustainable Yield Actions Demand-side sustainability actions: Reduce agricultural and urban GW use to achieve sustainability Supply-side sustainability actions: Identify project and management actions to achieve sustainability Composite sustainability actions: Combination of demand-side and supply-side actions 11
Sustainable Yield Modeling Assumptions Determine GW use reduction by 2040 to provide a soft transition to complete sustainability conditions 20-Years 50-Years Basin Storage Implementation Period Sustainable Management 12
Summary: Sustainable Yield To maintain sustainability, long-term GW use to be reduced between 2020 and 2040 Next Steps: Supply-side sustainability actions: Identify project and management actions to achieve sustainability 13
Projects and Management Actions 4
Approaches to Meeting Sustainable Yield Allocation Approach Basin-Wide Approach AF/acre groundwater allocation to meet sustainable yield Basin-wide supply projects eliminate overdraft Groundwater allocations are assigned to GSAs based on acreage; GSAs implement additional supply projects as needed / desired All groundwater users pay into project implementation Basin Sustainability 15
Comparison of Approaches Pros Cons Allocation Approach Standardized approach Clear cut limits on pumping Metering needed Pumping limitations may be significant in some areas More GSA oversight required Basin-Wide Approach May be more cost-effective Could be scalable Well positioned for outside funding Preserves flexibility Projects must be economically feasible 16
Projects Summary – Part 1 of 2 Project Description Submitting GSA Category 1 Farmington Dam Repurpose Project SEWD Recharge 2 Lake Groupe In-Lieu Recharge SEWD Recharge 3 Raw Water Reliability and Recharge SEWD Recharge 4 SW Implementation Expansion SEWD SW Supply 5 SW Facility Expansion & Delivery Pipeline City of Lodi SW Supply 6 White Slough WPCF Expansion City of Lodi Recycling 7 Recycled Water Transfer to Agriculture City of Manteca Recycling/Transfers 8 Demand Management Measures City of Manteca Conservation 9 Water Transfers to SEWD and CSJWCD SSJ GSA Transfers 10 Increase Nick DeGroot SW Deliveries SSJ GSA SW Supply 11 City of Escalon Wastewater Reuse SSJ GSA Recycling Highlighted projects included in baseline
Projects Summary – Part 2 of 2 Project Description Submitting GSA Category 12 South San Joaquin Stormwater Reuse SSJ GSA Stormwater 13 Pressurization of SSJID Facilities SSJ GSA Conservation 14 BNSC Intermodal Facility Recharge Pond SCJWCD Recharge 15 CSJWCD Capital Improvement Program SCJWCD SW Supply 16 Recycled Water Program Expansion City of Lathrop Recycling 17 LAS-3 Percolation Basin City of Lathrop Recharge 18 Conjunctive Use of GW and SW City of Lathrop SW Supply 19 City of Lathrop UWMP Water Conservation City of Lathrop Conservation 20 NPDES Phase 2 MS4 Compliance Program City of Lathrop Stormwater 21 Water Meter Improvements City of Lathrop Conservation 22 City of Ripon Surface Water Supply SSJ GSA SW Supply Highlighted projects included in baseline
Summary of Projects Project GW use reduction, AFY Cost completion date 1 60,000 $175,000,000 Unknown 2 18,000 $75,000 4 18-20,000 $750,000 2040 5 5,000 $4,000,000 2yr from start 6 390 $6,000,000 already started 7 5,200 $37,600,000.00 9 45,000 $9,000,000 1.5yr 11 ? $18,000,000 2028 12 1,100 $30,000,000 13 30,000 328,000,000 begun 14 $150,000 2021 15 $50,000/yr N/A 17 375 complete 22 6,000 $8,600,000 2023
DWR Technical Support Services Update
Technical Support Services Funding Update DWR coordinating revision of language in agreement for finalization Monitoring well screening/prioritization for TSS 21
Recent Linden Well Levels
History of Monitoring Well level.