Persuasive writing 101 English 9
What does controversy mean to you? Define it Give three examples of controversial issues in the news recently What makes something controversial?
What does it mean to “persuade”? “to cause or convince someone to commit an act or change an opinion through reasoning and argument” Discuss a time when you have been persuaded to do something? Social persuasion vs moral persuasion What does that look like?
What are the objectives of Persuasive Writing? You are writing to change a person’s perspective on a given issue Where do we see persuasive writing? Advertising Back cover “blurb” on a book Letters Petitions Flyers and posters for a certain cause
Five key components to consider… Audience Purpose Examples Structure Language
Audience Who are you trying to influence? We are always going to write in the most formal ways How do advertisers target certain groups? Example: If I am writing a persuasive composition about the importance of relationships between children with special needs and service animals, I will likely be targeting parents, caregivers, and educators.
Why? When we identify our target audience, we can tailor our examples to suit their interests better Certain groups of people may be concerned regarding affordability, others may want to know about the scientific facts You get to decide who your audience is! “everyone” is not an appropriate audience
Purpose Why is this topic important? Consider the way it could have an impact on people, the environment, the economy, our health, wellness, happiness… the possibilities are endless! The overall purpose of persuasive writing is to promote a particular point of view (in a non-salesperson type of way… at least for class…) in order to sway the reader’s perspective on the issue at hand
Examples Can you back it up? Persuasive writing is good with an opinion, great with general proof, and excellent with facts and statistics Use information from documentaries, credible websites (websites that end in .edu, .org, .gov, or are your best options) or your own research
Structure Use this graphic organizer to help organize your ideas! If you do not have three different main points to support your argument, it is not a strong enough topic!
Language Abolish Aggravate Appalled Atrocious Awful Careless Confusing Accurate Advantage Certainly Confident Convenient Definitely Delighted Effective Emphasise Extremely Expect Freedom Good Guaranteed Highly effective/ likely Improvement Interesting Introducing Magnificent Miracle Most Importantly Popular Profitable Proven Quick Remarkable Results Revolutionary Sensational Should Startling Strongly agree/ recommend Strongly suggest Superior Tremendous Trustworthy Abolish Aggravate Appalled Atrocious Awful Careless Confusing Corrupting Cruel Damaging Deplorable Disadvantages Disastrous Disgusted Dreadful Eliminate Harmful Harsh Horrible Inconsiderate Irritate Never Offend Outrageousness Produces disastrous results Provoke Repulsive Severe Shameful Shocking Terrible Tragic
Interesting ways of saying… “Creates a feeling of…” conveys a sense of creates a sense of emphasizes (makes stronger) her feeling of engenders (brings about) a feeling of evokes (brings up)a feeling of generates a feeling of highlights her feeling of portrays (shows) a feeling of suggests that
Interesting ways of saying… Other words for ‘shows’ conveys demonstrates depicts describes displays explores expresses indicates means presents reflects represents reveals suggests symbolises
Interesting ways of saying… Synonyms for “emphasizes” accentuates amplifies focuses highlights reinforces strengthens supports
Interesting ways of saying… To discuss something that is “cause and effect” As a result Consequently For For that reason Hence So Therefore Thus
Recap What is the objective of persuasive writing? Who uses persuasive writing? What are the five elements of focus in persuasive writing?