How can we live on planet earth comfortably with 20 billion people With population numbers rising rapidly every year its time we start planning for the future and thinking about ways we can live sustainably on planet earth for as long as possible.
- - - - Population stats - - - - Population estimates Ageing Population The Difficulty of figuring out population stats is un explainable with roughly 350,000 babies being born a day and a population rise of over 150,000,000 people a year. The most recent population count world wide was calculated at 7,800,500,000 human beings. Even with all the advancements and technologies we have today we can’t get exact numbers or even credible information, all we can do is guess. For example population rising rates are going down ever year but in a few years it could start rapidly rising. The current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, according to a new UN DESA report (United Nations Department of Economic Social Affairs). The slowdown in population growth, due to the overall reduction in fertility, causes the portion of older persons to increase over time. Globally the number of people aged 60 and over is expected to more than double by 2050 and more than triple by 2100. A significant ageing of the population in the next several decades is estimated for most regions of the world, starting with Europe where 34 % of the population is estimated to be over 60 years old by 2050. In Latin America and the Caribbean and in Asia, the population will be transformed from having 11% to 12% of people over 60 years old today to more than 25% by 2050. Africa has the youngest age proportion of any major area, but it is also estimated to age rapidly, with the population aged 60 years or over rising from 5% today to 9% by 2050. Life expectancy at birth has increased significantly in the least developed countries in the recent years. The six year average gain in life expectancy among the poorest countries, from 56 years in 2000-2005 to 62 years in 2010-2015, is roughly double the increase written down for the rest of the world. While significant differences in life expectancy across major areas and income groups are projected to continue, they are expected to diminish significantly by 2045-2050. with the combination of longer life expectancy and larger aging population the population stats could continue dropping in the next 100 years.
- - - - Overpopulation sustainability - - - - Even though population rising rates are going down over time we still have to plan for the future and eventual over-population. With the scary fact of over population in the future there are many things that must be accounted for and many different ways of dealing with it. In some countries the main action being laws put in place to restrict people from having a certain amount of kids and micro living, to other countries being more efficient with space and productive with food waste. The Three main issues are: Food waste, efficient living/micro living and productive use of energy and fuels.
- - - - - - - food Statistics - - - - - - - Poverty is the major cause of hunger throughout the world. Food is not distributed equally throughout the world, within countries, or even within households. The unequal distribution of food within countries means that 840 million people on earth, including 200 million children, will go hungry today. Poverty, natural disasters and political violence prevent at least one-seventh of the world from getting enough to eat. Although the number and the share of people suffering from malnourishment have fallen over the past few decades, the task of ending world hunger remains almost not achievable. Earth produces enough food for the nearly 6 billion people alive today. In fact, if everyone became a vegetarian and no food were wasted, current food production would feed 10 billion people in theory. Including more than the up and coming population for the year of 2050. Food and population are out of balance. Many low-income countries do not grow enough food to feed their people, and cannot afford to get enough food to make up the difference. About 43 percent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa and 22 percent of the population in South Asia are not getting enough nutrition, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Millions more eat the minimum number of calories, but fail to get the necessary protein and essential vitamins to live a healthy life.
- - Conclusion- - With the acceptions and knowledge that not everyone is going to change, The best solution is to prevent littering, food waste, and continue mass production of wheat and vegetables if the human race wants to see the earth in 2100. Another thing to take into consideration is fuel. Whether that means; Fossil fuels or solar fuels it is important we keep track of how much fuel we can still salvage. With car companies being paid to stay gas operated and not covert to electric its important more (affordable) cars come to the market to save fuels for more important things, Ex(s). Construction vehicles, emergency generators and water recycling plants to ensure we can continue recycling plastic and continue having a drinkable/safe source of water. With an entire project being theoretical it is impossible to see into the future or accurately answer some questions but in this project I believe I have the best theoretical answer to my question. In the near future I believe the best solution is sustainability compared to the opposition(s); Family bans, Extra terrestrial living and unrealistic solutions. Sustainability is the most realistic answer because we can still enjoy life in a more productive way, Ex(s). Micro living and special awareness. The question is then; What are we doing wrong? Not what aren't we doing? Or what can we do? Sources used – UN DESA (United Nations Department of Economic Social Affairs), Destiny (Gale Engaged learning) (Science).