Every Night Read for Enjoyment10-20 minutes! Parent initial Homework CHOICE Board Week 10___________________ Please pick 4 or more activities to complete, reading is done daily.. Check a box for each day your child read! Weekly Sight Words could know were some again round Once SEE spelling list for this week’s spelling list. Write a sentence for all of the spelling words. Write the plural form of these nouns: Dish cat girl Kid arch boy wish table dog Rainbow write this weeks Spelling words 3 times each. Find all of your sight words in the book you read tonight. Every Night Read for Enjoyment10-20 minutes! Parent initial Math Double Facts page on the back of the homework menu. Write your sight words 3 times each. I spy Solid Object page. (attached to homework) Write this weeks Spelling words in ABC order. Parent signature after all reading is finished for the week! _______________________________