The British in the Postwar Era


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Presentation transcript:

The British in the Postwar Era Chapter 29 Section 1 The British in the Postwar Era

Egypt controlled by Britain since 1882 declared a protectorate in 1914 after WWI a strong nationalist movement developed in Egypt nationalist movement was led by Wafd

Wafd a nationalist liberal political party in Egypt Wafd led a revolt in 1919 against the British The revolt failed, but calls for independence continued. 1922, British declared Egypt independent

Britain's Response British military forces remained in Egypt to defend Egypt and Suez Canal B. maintained administrative control over the Sudan and the Upper Nile River B. wanted to oversee Egypt's foreign policy

Egypt's Independence 1920s – early 1930s, Egyptian independence movement grew stronger E. nationalists wanted complete independence from Britain

Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 - gave Egypt greater independence - the British military would stay in Egypt for 20 years - pledged to support each other if a war broke out in the Middle East - many E. didn't like the treaty because B. troops were still stationed in Egypt

The Middle East - Middle Eastern Arabs helped B. during WWI - B. and France imposed control on them after the war - B. eventually recognized Transjordan's and Iraq's independence, but kept a strong military presence - B. kept control over Palestine because of its strategic location

Zionism - a nationalist movement that wanted to build a homeland for Jews in Palestine - Jews had been establishing small colonies in Palestine since the late 1880s

Balfour Declaration - B. foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour wrote to Zion leader expressing support for a Jewish homeland - this became known as the Balfour Declaration - also promised to allow the creation of an independent Arab state

India - B. largest colony - promised India more self-government after helping B. during WWI - B. and Indians were divided on this issue - any settlement would have to satisfy many diverse views

Mohandas Gandhi - leader of the Indian nationalist movement - spiritual and political leader - opposed violence - urged people to nonviolently refuse to cooperate with the government

Passive Resistance - a form of civil disobedience - nonviolently refuse to cooperate with the government - included boycotting B. goods and refusing to pay taxes

B. Response - 1935, B. allowed India to elect representatives - B. still controlled India's defense, revenue, and foreign policy - independence efforts continued

The Commonwealth Expands - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa wanted complete self-rule - 1931, each dominion was granted independence - equal to Britain in Commonwealth - each responsible for its own policies