Year 4 Curriculum Meeting 2019-20 Welcome! Please sign in by your child’s name Year 4 Curriculum Meeting 2019-20 Mr Baynes 4B Miss Greenhalgh 4G
Key points of information School Day Topic overview Communication Reading Homework and Spellings PE Dates for your diary Online Safety Questions Key points of information
PPA/NQT will be covered by Mrs Jones, Mrs Watkiss and Mrs Boyd Morning Challenge Guided Reading English Assembly Playtime Maths Lunchtime (packed lunches in classroom for 20 mins, in hall afterwards) Geography/History/PE/RE/French/Computing/Music/ Art/PSHE (including circle time) Reading Spine PPA/NQT will be covered by Mrs Jones, Mrs Watkiss and Mrs Boyd School Day
(Focus on comprehension and inference, not just decoding) In school: Daily Guided Reading (whole class). Reading scheme, school library and some 1-1 sessions. Daily Reading Spine, sometimes linked to guided reading. At home: At least 10 – 20 minutes of daily reading either independently or with an adult. Any kind of text – magazines, emails, newspapers. Promote reading for enjoyment! (Focus on comprehension and inference, not just decoding) Reading
PE Kit includes: Black shorts/jogging bottoms, white t-shirt/polo shirt, pumps (bare feet for gymnastics) for indoor, and trainers for outdoor. Cold weather - ensure child has jumper Local Authority policy re: Earrings. Child must remove earrings themselves or apply their own plasters, if possible do not wear them on PE days. Swimming each Friday morning up until 13th December PE days: Tuesday PM – Cricket taught by Cheshire Cricket Friday AM- Swimming PE
Wider Opportunities Every Wednesday 11:15-12:15 Children learn ukulele or brass instrument Swap half way through the year Assemblies for parents End of year Stockport Music Spectacular Responsibility for instruments (please return letter.) Wider Opportunities
Science Autumn – Electricity, Animals including Humans Spring – Living things and their habitats, Sound Summer – States of matter Science
Autumn – Is Europe the same all over Autumn – Is Europe the same all over? How did the Ancient Greeks influence us? Spring – Is Europe the same all over (cont)? What did the Romans do for Britain? Summer - How is the North West of England the same and different to The Naples Bay area of Italy? History and Geography
Chester Stockport Music Spectacular Pizza Express Trips
Homework and Spellings Maths – Set Friday (due in following Friday) English/Spellings – Set Friday (due in following Friday) Homework and Spellings
Clothes should be clearly labelled with names (including coats) Children should have a water bottle in school every day. Children should have a coat and sensible shoes in accordance with the weather Other information
Weekly information letter (Fridays) – dates, topics, homework, spellings and other information Book share mornings – dates to follow Open Afternoon - Tuesday 24th September 1:30-3pm Parents and Carers Evening – W/B 14th October Website (dates, weekly newsletters, letters, etc) Teachers available after school or make an appointment Dates for your diaries
Are there any questions? We are available at the door at the end of the school day. To make an appointment to speak with us, please speak to the school office.