Let’s travel back in time with Maddie and make discoveries that will help us learn more than we can in the present…
“Okay, kids, take out a piece of paper and let’s see what’s on your mind,” said Mr. Campbell. “Why do you want to know what’s on my mind, Mr. Campbell?” wondered Maddie aloud, assuming Mr. Campbell wasn’t really interested in what a kid had to say. “I’m interested in what you have to say. It’s pretty amazing the things I learn from you guys every day,” Mr. Campbell responded honestly. Hmmm. Pretty cool, Maddie thought to herself. “Okay, everyone, take out a piece of paper and write down what you think Maddie learned in her adventures. Then, write down what you learned as you traveled with her.”
“Okay, kids, take out a piece of paper and let’s see what’s on your mind,” said Mrs. Brenner. “Why do you want to know what’s on my mind, Mrs. Brenner?” wondered Maddie aloud, assuming Mrs. Brenner wasn’t really interested in what a kid had to say. “I’m interested in what you have to say. It’s pretty amazing the things I learn from you guys every day,” Mrs. Brenner responded honestly. Hmmm. Pretty cool, Maddie thought to herself. “Okay, everyone, take out a piece of paper and write down what you think Maddie learned in her adventures. Then, write down what you learned as you traveled with her.”
Let’s talk about the characters and how they changed through the story and why. We’ll start with Maddie…
Let’s go back in time a bit to when you first met Maddie Let’s go back in time a bit to when you first met Maddie. How would you describe her? Think for a moment. Now, write down some traits… Now, think about Maddie at the end of the story. List some of her character traits after she learned some important lessons from her experiences.
When Maddie travels in time she learns things very quickly When Maddie travels in time she learns things very quickly. So we will journey in time a bit more. Pick two more characters List at least four character traits they had by the end of the story! Start thinking and writing… Watch how fast you learn while traveling through time!!!!
Welcome back to the present Welcome back to the present. Let’s find out how much you learned while going back in time and remembering the story. We’ll look at each character and get your thoughts on their traits and how the way they acted affected others, too!!
There’s No Room for You, Maddie Morrison Mrs. Susan Morrison Audrey Stephanie Denise Mr. Campbell Mr. Phil Morrison Julie
You Can Make a Difference, Maddie Morrison Mrs. Susan Morrison Audrey Maddie Morrison Bobby Gordon Mr. Phil Morrison Teddy (Teedie) Roosevelt Mrs. Brenner Julie
Time for some more thinking… Think about YOU. What kind of person are you? List some of your traits. Be honest and list the good and the bad ones! You don’t have to share this information unless you want to.
Are you confident in your decisions? Do you accept people for who they are? Why or why not? Do you listen to your parents’ advice? Why or why not? Why do people like you? Why don’t people like you? Here are some questions to help you think about yourself. If you’re honest with your answers, you will learn even more about YOU!
Now that you have been doing some thinking about the book and about yourself, let’s do some talking. What have you discovered about the characters and about yourself? Discuss with your groups and then we’ll discuss with the class…
So, there is room for all of you and you can all make a difference, too!!!