Center for Underground Physics (CUP) Yeongduk Kim, Director, CUP, IBS Open Presentations on Achievements of CUP 2018. 6. 25
Vision of CUP Current Paradigm : Vision : Standard Model 3 massive neutrinos LCDM Vision : Challenge and Enhance current paradigm about the structure and the origin of the Universe. through questions like What is Dark Energy and Dark Matter ? How small are neutrino masses and how can we understand neutrino mass ? Are there different kind of neutrinos ?
Organization of CUP International Advisory Committee (IAC): Professors Young-Kee Kim (University of Chicago) (Chair) Georgio Gratta (Stanford University) Kevin Lesko (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Pavio Gatti (Geneva University) Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University) ChungWook Kim (KIAS) until 2017 EC members Sun-Kee Kim, Seoul National University Seon-Ho Choi, Seoul National University Hong-Joo Kim, Kyungpook National University
Overall Concept of CUP CUP is a center with definite scientific goals. These goals are pursued by cooperation between strong technical working groups and experimental groups.
Human resources 1. CUP personnel Name Institute Kim, Siyeon ChungAng Univ. Hahn, Kevin Insik Ewha Womans U. Ju, KyungKwang Chonnam Nat. U. Sun, KwangMin KAERI Park, HyangKyu Korea U. Lee, MinKyu KRISS Jo, Hyunseok Kyungpook Nat. U. Kim, HongJoo Kim, Hyunsu Sejong U. Choi, SeonHo Seoul National U. Kim, SunKee 2. Outside participants (professors) : 11 people 3. International Collaborators. ~ 50
Facilities Y2L-A5 (2015 - ) IBS-HQ (2018. 2 - ) Figure I-13: Dilution refrigerator installed in t he HQ lab Figure I-14: CUP sputter installed in cl ass-1000 clean room
Research Highlights of CUP in first 5 years. Testing DAMA/LIBRA modulation signals – COSINE-100 experiment “Initial Performance of the COSINE-100 experiment”, Eur. Phys. C. 78, 107 (2018) “Understanding NaI (Tl) crystal background for dark matter searches”, Eur. Phys. C. 77, 437 (2017) “Search for solar axions with CsI (Tl) crystal detectors”, JHEP 06, 011 (2016) “Pulse-shape discrimination between electron and nuclear recoils in a NaI(Tl) crystal”, JHEP 08, 093 (201 5) Discovery for neutrinoless double beta decay with AMoRE experiment “Simulations of background sources in AMoRE-I experiment”, NIMA 855, 140 (2017) “A Study of Radioactive Contamination of 40Ca100MoO4 Crystals for the AMoRE Experiment”, IEEE Tr ans. Nucl. Sci. 63, 543-547 (2016) COSINE has a first physics result ! Submitted for publication. AMoRE progresses toward 100kg exp. !
Novel techniques in cryogenic detectors ! Developing low temperature detectors for underground physics “Novel measurement method of heat and light detection for neutrinoless double beta decay”, Astropart. Ph ys. 91, 105 (2017) “Vibration isolation system for cryogenic phonon-scintillation calorimeters”, JINST 12, C02057 (2017) “MMC-based low-temperature detector system of the AMoRE-Pilot experiment”, Supercond. Sci. Technol . 30, 084011 (2017) Searching the sterile neutrinos and new physics with reactor neutrinos “Sterile neutrino search at the NEOS Experiment”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 121802 (2017) “Detecting Dark Photon with Reactor Neutrino Experiments, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 081801 (2017) “Development and Mass Production of a Mixture of LAB- and DIN-based Gadolinium-loaded Liquid Scinti llator for the NEOS Short-baseline Neutrino Experiment”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 310, 311 (2016) Establishing ultra-low radioactivity Techniques for rare event searches “Investigation of the molybdenum oxide purification for the AMoRE experiment”, J. Rad. Nucl. Chem. 31 4, 1695 (2017) Novel techniques in cryogenic detectors ! New constraints to sterile neutrinos ! PRL Developments in ultra-low radioactivity techniques !
IBS is building a new underground lab. Will have an independent entrance (human vertical elevator) from mine activity. The construction starts this year and completed early of 2020. Bird view of Handuk Iron Mine Handuk mine, ~ 0.7milion tons iron ore a year Entrance of Rampway The New Underground Laboratory IBS Elevator 600m long Mountain (EL 998m) An Active Iron Mine Entrance Tunnel (730m long) Large (>2000m2), deeper (1100m depth)
Milestones Setting Stage (2013-2016) Y2L Expansion AMoRE-Pilot COSINE-I NEOS Developing Stage (2017-2020) IBS HQ AMoRE-I COSINE-II NEOS-II Leaping Stage (2021- ) Handuk ARF AMoRE-II Concluding DAMA New Experiments
Summary Established a unique center for particle astrophysics. Obtained world class results in dark matter and neutrino physics. CUP will become a world class center for rare event search with the new underground laboratory from 2020. Vannevar Bush “Science without any specific intended application” Thosmas Kuhn “Novelty ordinarily emerges only for the man who, knowing with precision what he should expect, is able to recognize that something has gone wrong”
Cooperation between working groups CUP has strong working groups working together for physics goal.
Time Schedule & Future Plan
Human resources Age Outside participants (professors) to CUP program. COM Outside participants (professors) to CUP program. Name Institute Kim, Siyeon ChungAng Univ. Hahn, Kevin Insik Ewha Womans U. Ju, KyungKwang Chonnam Nat. U. Sun, KwangMin KAERI Park, HyangKyu Korea U. Lee, MinKyu KRISS Jo, Hyunseok Kyungpook Nat. U. Kim, HongJoo Kim, Hyunsu Sejong U. Choi, SeonHo Seoul National U. Kim, SunKee