Curriculum Information Meeting Welcome to Year 6 Curriculum Information Meeting
Curriculum English Guided Reading Spelling Speaking and Listening Maths Other Curriculum Areas
Topics Autumn Term War Spring Term South America Summer Term Landscapes
English Guided Reading Spelling Grammar and Punctuation Writing Speaking and Listening
Guided reading and reading aloud Guided reading takes place as a whole class session each morning. We use a class text and read together. We discuss thoughts, responses and questions before answering questions in books. Reading aloud is still an important part of the curriculum and a skill our children need to practise. Reading records are now going home, ideally an adult at home will rad with their child 3 times per week, staff in school will check them once a week.
Working towards the KS2 standard
Working at the KS2 standard
Maths Fluency, Problem solving, Reasoning.
Physical Education Indoor PE – Monday Outdoor PE – Thursday PE kit is expected, as decided by the school council. White T-shirt, black bottoms.
Homework Friday for Tuesday (Maths) Tuesday for Friday (English) Reading- 3 times a week at home. Spelling- regular spelling practice and revision.
SATs Monday 11th May – Thursday 14th May 2020
A transition year: Building independence and responsibility- homework, reading, equipment, letters. Managing relationships and fall-outs. Managing stress- work, friendships.