SKADI Current Status STAP-Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

SKADI Current Status STAP-Meeting 30.04.2019 ----- Meeting Notes (28.02.17 13:13) ----- Welcome First Presentation of TG2 for SKADI Science Case, Top Level Requirements, Cursory Overview Construction Schedule and Risk Analysis April 2019| Sebastian Jaksch, Romuald Hanslik, Teddy Kozielewski, Sylvain Désert, et al. Sample Exposure System Sample Area We have prepared CTV-documents for Bunker neutron guide system (BNGS) (neutron guides and their housing). The CTV has took at mid. of December 2018 After the first iteration we wait for the approval from ESS for the order.

Sample Table In construction Material is arriving More from Andreas

Detector SONDE Developing of housing and cooling

Electronics, Construction & Testing Electronics arriving in Jülich now Tests ongoing, so far no rejects Production design for the housing ready beginning of May Production foreseen until September (large components, assembly may take a little longer) Workshop at fall IKON  Presentation of working detector from SoNDe project Testing housing is ready Testing in Saclay imminent (computer installation issues for full replication of ESS environment) After that: Rollout to other facilities planned (you were contacted) Photo of setup ready for installation

VSANS Long wavelengths lead to additional scattering Effect occurs above 6 Å Might be tolerable until 10 Å Looking for high intensity peaks this might not be an issue

GISANS Feasible up to 0.4° incoming angle Easily feasible up to 0.3° specularly reflected angle Needs some kind of beamstop/more consideration for higher exit angles Easy for Si substrates Both horizontal and vertical orientation possible Polarization not affected Slightly restricted collimation settings, depending on incoming angle

Photos of first tests Multi-Angle DLS setup Sintered vapour champer without sharp edges for GISANS

Thank you for your attention

Change in Project Schedule Component Delivery and Installation NBOA Q4-19  Q1-20 In-Bunker Q2-21  Q4-21 Polarizer, Fast Shutter Q1-22  Q1-22 Choppers Q2-22  Q3-22 SCS Q1-22  Q2-22 Monitors Sample Area Q3-21  Q1-22 Hutch Area Q4-21  Q2-22 TG3-Full Q2-20 TG4-Full Q4-21 TG5-Full Q4-22 Component Delivery and Installation Delta NBOA Q4-19  Q1-20 - In-Bunker Q2-24  Q3-24 3 a Polarizer, Fast Shutter Q4-22  Q1-23 1 a Choppers Q2-23  Q3-23 SCS Q1-24  Q2-24 2 a Monitors Sample Area Q1-23  Q2-23 1.5 a Hutch Area Q2-23  Q4-23 TG3-Full Q2-20 TG4-Full Q4-22 TG5-Full Q3-25 2.5 a

Schedule Change: Rationals & Consequences Adjustment to ESS/NSS Master Schedule V4.1 Earlier procurement not permitted in ESS timeline Consequences Neccessary installation in bunker after BOT No early science Project broken down into subprojects and restarted after dormant periods according to ESS request to avoid budget increase Loki the only LSS instrument for early science No polarized SANS until 2025 Plan 1 Plan 2

Aber … Die gute Nachricht ist: JCNS Direktorium unterstützt das Projekt voll weiter Implementierung läuft für KWS Instrumente Dafür haben wir dann auch ab „sofort“ Neutronen