September 2019 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Labor Day 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ◄ Aug 2019 September 2019 Oct 2019 ► Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Labor Day 3 FIRST DAY OF SEMINAR 4 First Vets Coffee Hour 5 6 7 8 9 Scholarship Apps on Honors Website 10 11 Patriot Day 12 13 CENSUS DAY 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fall begins Freshmen Candidacy Statements Due 24 FALL MIXER 25 FRESHMEN ELECTIONS ONLINE 26 27 SCHOLARSHIP APPS DUE 28 29 Honors Board Meeting 2pm 30 NO SEMINAR
Seminar Sept 16 – Sept 20 FALL 2019
Per Sapientiam Felicitas Honors Program Motto: Per Sapientiam Felicitas “Through Knowledge Happiness”
Important Dates Coming Up Census Day (last day to late drop/add): Fri., Sept. 13th Grounds Day: 9am-12pm, Sun., Sept. 15th Scholars Preview Day: Sat., Sept. 21st *Candidacy Statements Due for Freshmen: Mon., Sept. 23rd Fall Mixer : 3pm-6pm, Tues., Sept. 24th Scholarship Applications Due : 12pm, Fri., Sept. 27th Honors Board Meeting #1: 2pm, Sun., Sept. 29th No Seminar & Fall Holiday: Mon.-Fri., Sept. 30th – Oct. 4th Contract Requests Due: Fri., Oct. 11th
Requirements You must schedule an Honors course and/or contract a class every semester until 18 hours is reached. Come visit the office if you need assistance with Honors contracts. Contract Request Forms Due Fri., Oct. 11th Contract Completion Forms Due Fri., Dec. 6th (Last day of classes)
Academic Success Planning *Reminder: First-time freshmen in UNIV 100 should set up an Honors advising appointment with Mr. Ryan Winters. Find the scheduler under ULINK under “Student Success Manager” – “Student Access.”
Freshmen Elections Candidacy statements are now due Sept. 23rd. Elections will be online on Moodle from Wed., Sept. 25th to Fri., Sept. 27th .
Scholarships and Applications Reminder Scholarship Applications for Fall 2019 On the website Sept. 9th Download, fill it out and turn in with transcript at second floor office window in Judice-Rickels Hall – Transcript can come from U-link. Scholarship applications are due Friday, Sept. 27th at 12:00pm.
BLUE CARDS Attend the Honors office in Judice-Rickels Hall on the second floor. Correct any information on the card that has changed.