Class Teacher: Miss Parkinson Teaching Assistant : Mrs Holmes Welcome to Year 2 Class Teacher: Miss Parkinson Teaching Assistant : Mrs Holmes
Uniform Children are expected to be in full school uniform every day including black school shoes. Please write your child’s name in all items of clothing including their coat.
Behaviour At Beech Hill we have high expectations of behaviour. Reward certificates are given out in the weekly star of the week celebration assembly.
Reading Daily reading activities Home School Readers Books are changed every Friday Please bring reading books into school every day. Please sign your child’s reading record. Children that read at home will be given rewards.
Book Review I like this book because…. My favourite part of the book was ….
Y2 SATS Children will be taking National Curriculum tests throughout the month of May in 2020. Teachers will use the results from these tests, along with the work your child has done throughout the year, to help them reach their own judgements about how your child is progressing at the end of key stage 1. These teacher assessment judgements will be reported to you by the end of the summer term.
Library Children will be able to visit the school library once a week on Thursday. Please ensure all library books are returned to school every Thursday so that your child can choose a new book.
Reading Club Reading clubs will be available Tuesday-Thursday from 8.30am. Children attending the club must enter the school through the school office.
Spellings New spellings will be stuck inside your child’s learning log every Friday. Spelling activities and tests take place on a Thursday. Look, cover, write, check.
Homework Every Friday children will take home a Learning log. The learning log is to be returned to school the following Thursday. Children will complete a learning log that relates to their current topic. Rewards will be given for children who consistently complete learning logs
Homework Reading Eggs and Mathletics Passwords in Reading Record Mathletics
P.E. Tuesday Friday Full PE kit must be in school at all times. Earrings must be removed. Bobbles for children with long hair
Twitter Twitter will be continuing in Swallow class. @BHcohort2324 Posts will keep you informed about what your child has been learning about in school.
Outdoor provision Coats should be brought to school every day.
E- safety -Tips for keeping children safe online Talk early and often Know what connects to the internet and how. Know who your child is talking to online Set rules and agree boundaries Make sure content is age-appropriate Use parental controls and settings to filter, restrict, monitor or report Check they know how to use privacy settings and how to block and report. Beatbullying is a charity offering lots of information and advice for victims of cyberbullying. Their cybermentors scheme involves trained young people (cybermentors) helping young victims of bullying and giving them advice. Click on the scene in the bottom right hand corner to play the cyberbullying film (available at the Thinkuknow website) created by the European Commission, for countries across Europe.
Websites School website Reading eggs Times table rock stars
Topics for the year Toys The Great Fire of London The Olympic Games.