Welcome to Key Stage 2
“You will enjoy Key Stage 2.”
Year 3
Key Stage 2 Timings 8.45am-3.10pm for all children (walking home allowed with a completed permission letter). Break time 10.45am-11am Lunch time 12.10pm-1.10pm (which changes to 12.20pm-1.20pm in Years 5 and 6).
Key Stage 2 The children will need: A chair bag A Langshott rucksack The pencil case from the Langshott rucksack with basic supplies A water bottle Fruit for break time CGP guides
Key Stage 2 The children are given a planner. Star points are recorded with a stamp. Increasing independence. Quick recall of times table knowledge is essential. Fantastic knowledge of ‘time’ is also needed.
Homework Weekly homework task (Wednesday – Monday). Homework is shared every week. Weekly mathletics. Weekly spellings. Daily reading.
Presentation Presentation prince/princess awarded daily – leads to golden pencil. Pen licence opportunities. Langshott script.
Behaviour Following our school rules. Learning powers are essential. The curriculum becomes more demanding each year.
General They can ‘win’ the benches as a year group in assembly. There is a kind box (outside Jet). Lots of clubs available. Themed days (costumes). Christmas carol concert.
General Focus on well-being. Learn the recorder. Spanish lessons. Dance show. The children felt they had more opportunities, more sporting tournaments and events available to them in KS2.
General Learning will be celebrated through Marvellous Me. Refer to the KS2 Parent Handbook/talk to class teachers.
Forward thinking Two residential trips. Children’s leadership teams. SATs.
Key Stage 2 Enjoy your tour!