Missouri S&T Basic Advising 101
Objectives Role of the academic advisor Important dates and deadlines Joe’SS and DARS Campus Resources
What is Quality Advising? “Academic advising goes beyond the clerical functions of scheduling classes and preparing degree plans. Good academic advising assists students in clarifying personal and career goals, developing consistent educational goals, and evaluating the progress toward established goals. Academic advising utilizes the resources of the University and refers students to the appropriate academic support services. It is a decision-making process in which the sharing of information between student and advisor promotes responsible and appropriate choices and facilitates a successful academic experience.” Western New Mexico University as retrieved on 07/08/05 http://www.wnmu.edu/admin/forums/AdvisingTaskForce/01Feb19Minutes.htm NACADA – National Academic Advisor’s Association has compiled several definitions from various institutions Decision-making; responsible and appropriate choice; facilitates success This does not mean we hold their hand and do it for them We need to give the necessary information and appropriate tools to HELP them be successful students How we gage their success – graduate in an acceptable amount of time with an acceptable GPA
Roles of the Academic Advisor Developing a realistic educational plan Assist with course scheduling Interpreting campus policies and procedures Review of transfer & graduation requirements and DARS Discussing academic challenges and concerns Career and/or post-graduate advising Identifying other campus resources when necessary
Dates and Deadlines http://registrar.mst.edu/ Registration Deadlines Pre-Registration Advising Holidays and Breaks
Joe’SS and DARS http://joess.mst.edu/ List of Advisees Accessing Advisee Information How to Release Advising Holds Requesting a Degree Audit Schedule Planner Add/Drop Forms Transfer Credit S&tconnect Flags, kudos, notes, outcomes, office hours http://joess.mst.edu/
Campus Resources http://academicsupport.mst.edu/ Faculty resource links for a variety of useful tools Advising Conference Series Info http://catalog.mst.edu Hard copies of our catalogs are no longer printed. Familiarizing yourself with navigating the online catalog. http://advising.mst.edu/ Advising.mst.edu>>advisor Resources>>the advising appointment Advising.mst.edu/handbook http://studentsuccess.mst.edu LEAD Schedules Links to most academic support units and campus services
Additional Tips… Familiarize yourself with campus offices and departments and their staff– If you aren’t sure, ask! Advising is more than just scheduling, get to know your students- Remember to take a holistic approach to advising- having a go-to person for referrals makes the students feel more confident and helps with communication. Contact your administrative support staff, a seasoned advisor in your department, or one of the professional advisors on campus. It might seem hard to visualize the first year or so, but you will be their first choice for reference letters, career advice, and Oftentimes, the root cause of academic struggles are not academic at all, and not all students are alike. What works for most, might not work for all. often personal advice.
Director, Undergraduate Advising Office Questions?? THANK YOU! Tyroned@mst.edu 106 Campus Support Director, Undergraduate Advising Office