Back to School Night Choir and Band
List of Performances Date Time Event Name Ensemble(s) Involved Location Notes Sep. 13th 9 am – 1pm Sound Off! Choir - Boys Only Fresno State I still need to register for this. May not Happen Oct. 11th 6:00 PM Fall Concert Orchestra & Choir Tenaya Cafeteria Oct. 12th TBD Regional Football Game Bands Sunnyside HS not sure of location Dec. 5th Winter Concert Bands & Choir Christmas Tree Lane Choir and Orchestra Will update as info comes in TBD - Spring FUSD Choir Festival Choir I have no info on this yet March 5 - 6 CMEA Choir Festival Selma 1st Baptist Cannot register until Sep. 4th March 13 - 14 FUSD Band Festival Adv. Band Roosevelt HS I should know which day in the next couple of weeks March 21st Pre/Post Festival Concert Bands and Choir April 4 -5 CMEA Band Festival Washington Union HS April 6th All Day Great America Trip Great America, Santa Clara May 22nd Summer Concert
Popcorn Fundraiser Money and forms due Friday 8/31/18 First two items for the group After that profit goes to trip NO PERSONAL CHECKS
Great America Trip All Band/Choir students may attend (optional) Competitive Festival Tentative Itinerary Leave 5:00 am Return 2:00 am April 6th 2019
Chaperones Must be official with the district chment%20Trips/Important%20Docs%20for%20TK-6/18- 19%20Fingerprinting_Flyer.pdf#search=chaperone Depending on the number of chaperones for the trip, we may be able to make it free for chaperones.
Syllabus and Contact form Go to
Shirt Orders
New Grading Scale Tests – 35% Performances – 35% Participation – 15% Classwork – 15% A+ = 98 or over A = 90 – 97.99 B = 80 – 89.99 C = 70 – 79.99 D = 60 – 69.99 F = 59.99 and below
Smartmusic file:///C:/Users/betenpa/Downloads/New%20SM%20PricingStudent%20 Access%20Model%20(1).pdf
Remind Text to 81010 Advanced Band - @tenayaa Beginning Band - @tenayab Choir - @tenayacho
Jazz Band Waiting on go ahead from admin