WELCOME to Science with Mrs. Willis
FLORIDA ELA STATE STANDARDS Students are expected to embrace the discipline of science: Read like a scientist Write like a scientist Speak like a scientist Listen like a scientist Think and work like a scientist
Classroom Expectations Be polite: This rule includes respect of school rules, school/individual property and, most importantly, respect for others.. Be organized: Students are responsible for coming to class prepared. Required daily materials are as follows: Pencil/Pen Science Journal Textbook Completed Homework Be punctual
QUARTER 1 SCIENCE CURRICULUM Nature/Practice of Science Water properties Macromolecules Enzymes Cells
QUARTER 2 SCIENCE CURRICULUM DNA/Protein Synthesis Cell Cycle/Meiosis Genetics
SCIENCE CURRICULUM QUARTER 3 Evolution Classification Plants
SCIENCE CURRICULUM QUARTER 4 Ecology Human Body Biotechnology
STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING In Standards-based grading, the main idea is that the grade is a measure of what students know or can do. It is not a measure of how well the students are obedient and it is not a measure of how much effort the students put into homework. What changes will you see? You will see your student tracking their progress on learning goals and more formative assessments that provide information to the student and teacher about where they are in their learning. When looking at Home Access Center, you are going to see fewer grades.
STUDENT SELF-MONITORING Evaluate Knowledge using Benchmark Study Guides Set Learning Goals Student/Teacher Conference
RESOURCES Benchmark Study Guide Textbook Hands-On Activities and Investigations Schoology
GRADING Summative: 75% Other: 25% Formative Classwork Projects Homework
Late and Make-Up Work
Communication Email: Tina.willis@stjohns.k12.fl.us Website: http://teachers.stjohns.k12.fl.us/willis-t/ EDMODO: https://sjcsd.edmodo.com/
JUST A THOUGHT Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.