Cell Structures: Be able to identify the cell structures of the animal and plant cell! Know the function of each cell structure!
Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope/Membrane Controls all of the cell’s activities; made up of chromosomes, the nucleolus, the nuclear envelope and nuclear pores. Nucleolus Nuclear pore Chromosomes
Nucleolus: Dark, dense, area in the cell's nucleus; involved in assembly of ribosomes
DNA/Chromosomes: DNA; contains genetic material
Nuclear Envelope: A membrane that covers the nucleus and controls what enters and leaves the nucleus.
Nuclear Pore: Openings that allow the transport of molecules across the nuclear membrane.
Endoplasmic Reticulum rough ER-transports substances throughout the cell. smooth ER – makes lipids & breaks down toxic substances
Golgi Apparatus: Packages and ships out substances.
Mitochondria: Makes energy (ATP) for the cell.
Lysosome: Contains digestive enzymes that helps break down substances for the cell.
Vacuole: Stores water, food, ions, and waste for the cell.
Ribosomes: Makes proteins.
Cytoskeleton: A network of protein fibers that gives the cell shape and support; is also involved in cell movement.
Cytoplasm: Jelly-like liquid substance that contains or holds the cell’s organelles.
Cell Membrane: A membrane that covers the cell; it controls what enters and leaves the cell. phospholipids
Centrioles: Cylindrical structures made up of microtubules; they help divide the DNA during cell division.
Structures used for Motility: Flagella Cilia Long whip-like structure Small hair-like structures
Chloroplast: Contains chlorophyll and makes food for the plant cell through photosynthesis.
Cell Wall: Supports and protects the plant cell.
Nuclear Membrane Vacuole
Nuclear Membrane
The Animal Cell: Golgi Apparatus Smooth ER Nucleus Rough ER Vacuole Mitochondria Cell Membrane Lysosome Ribosomes Cytoplasm
The Plant Cell: Rough ER Smooth ER Vacuole Nucleus Mitochondria Golgi Apparatus Cholorplast Ribosomes Cytoplasm Cytoskeleton Cell Membrane Cell Wall
Animal Cell vs. Plant Cell
Cell Analogy: